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Adding Emplifi Ratings & Reviews

Modern browsers allow sites to restrict the domains from which content can be loaded through the use of a Content Security Policy (CSP).

Emplifi will load scripts, styles, and images with the following domains in their URLs:, (for customers who chose to be hosted in a European datacenter), and

Outlined below are the site pages where Emplifi Ratings & Reviews is typically added during a standard implementation.

You can use this information to configure your Content Security Policy (CSP).

Your Page

For this Emplifi product...

... add this component

Order Confirmation Page

All Products

JavaScript Order Feed

Order Confirmation Page

Checkout Comments

Comment Capture


Checkout Comments

Comments Display Widget


Checkout Comments

Top Comment Widget


Community Q&A

Instant Answers widget


Community Q&A

Q&A List widget


Ratings & Reviews

Review Summary widget


Ratings & Reviews

Review List widget


Visual Reviews

Visual Content Gallery Row Widget


Checkout Comments

Teaser Widget

Community Q&A

Ratings & Reviews

Home Page & Category

Checkout Comments

Comments Pinboard Teaser

Category & Search Results

Checkout Comments

PLP teaser (using the SKU Average Rating Feed)

Ratings & Reviews

Standalone Page

Checkout Comments

Comments Pinboard

Standalone Page

Visual Reviews

Visual Content Pinboard

Standalone Page

Ratings & Reviews

Landing Page

Visual Reviews

Community Q&A (Only Q&A Answers from Question emails)

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