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Review Display Widgets

Ratings & Reviews Display widgets allow you to display Emplifi Ratings & Reviews content on your product detail pages.

We recommend that clients install both the Reviews Summary and Review List widgets for the best possible shopper experience.

The Reviews Summary widget offers a visual aggregation of all the Emplifi Ratings & Review data collected for your product, along with a button allowing shoppers to submit their own review. It is usually displayed either directly above or in some cases directly to the left of the Review List widget.

The Review List widget shows all published individual reviews for your product.

Installing Ratings & Reviews widgets


  1. Place the following code into the <head> of your page (if you are a customer, change to in this snippet):
    (warning) This turnToConfig snippet controls all installed Emplifi Ratings & Reviews widgets. It should be placed only once.

      var turnToConfig = {
        locale: "en_US",
        pageId: "pdp-page",
        sku: "YOUR SKU",
        reviewsList: {
          // onFinish: function(){}
    <script src=" SITE KEY/js/turnto.js" async></script>
  2. Replace YOUR SKU and YOUR SITE KEY with the appropriate values.

  3. To display the Reviews Summary widget, add this div element. The widget dynamically inserts content into the element.

    <div id="tt-reviews-summary"></div>
  4. To display the Review List widget, add this div element. The widget dynamically inserts content into the element.

    Most customers choose to display the Review List widget directly below the Reviews Summary widget.

    <div id="tt-reviews-list"></div>

Adding your landing page

The landing page is a standalone page on your site where shoppers complete Emplifi submission forms.


  1. In Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, click Settings → Manage site.

  2. Add your landing page in the Landing Page URL field.

  3. To embed the Ratings & Reviews Submission form, add the following high up on your landing page (if you are a customer, change to in this snippet).

        var turnToConfig = {
          locale: "en_US",
          pageId: "email-landing-page"
    <script src=" SITE KEY/js/turnto.js" async></script> 
  4. Replace YOUR SITE KEY with the appropriate value.

  5. To display the Ratings & Reviews Submission form, add this div element to the desired location.

    <div id="tt-embedded-submission"></div>

Widget display options

Please review our SpeedFlex Theming Guide, which details the design and layout options for these widgets.

Review Summary widget

Refer to the theming guide for design and layout details.


The Reviews Summary widget summarizes review data on your PDPs, showing the following elements:

  • Overall Rating count

  • Average Overall Rating

  • Average Overall Rating star display

  • Write a Review button

  • Rating distribution display - click to filter the Review List widget by selected star rating

  • Summaries of any custom review dimension data (for example: Value or Fit) - click to filter the Review List widget by selected dimension

If ratings are the only UGC, filters will not be available in the Reviews Summary widget.

No reviews display

You can select the minimum number of ratings required for the Reviews Summary widget to appear.


  1. In Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, click Settings → Content settings → Reviews settings.

  2. In the General section, enter the Minimum number of ratings to display widgets.

  3. (Optional) By default, the widget display is based on rating count. To base widget display on review count, select review count (ratings with text). This sets a minimum number of reviews, instead of ratings, that must be published before Ratings & Reviews widgets display.

If the minimum number of ratings is not met, the Reviews Summary behaves as if no reviews have been written yet. It displays a one-column call-to-action:


More customization options

  • Custom review subdimension values appear as links in the Reviews Summary widget. When a shopper clicks on the link, the Review List widget updates to show reviews with the selected value. Contact Emplifi Support to remove these Reviews Summary dimension filters.


    (info) Only Single Select and Multi Select subdimension values appear. See Managing Rating Subdimensions for more on subdimensions.

  • Virtually all text within the Reviews Summary widget can be customized. Contact Emplifi Support to learn more.

Review List widget

Refer to the theming guide for design and layout details.


The Review List widget displays a list of shopper Ratings & Reviews for a product. Most clients choose to place the Review List widget directly below the Reviews Summary widget.

The Review List widget shows the following elements:

  • Total review count ('# Reviews')

  • Sort, search, and filter bar - only displays if there are 3 or more reviews for a SKU

    • Sort - ability to sort reviews by most recent, most helpful, oldest, highest rated, and lowest rated

    • Search - ability to search review titles and review text

    • Filter Reviews - ability to filter reviews by a configurable set of criteria

  • Review List Items - all published shopper Reviews for this product

  • Pagination

Review search, sort, and filter

The Review List search shows published content that matches a shopper's query.


As soon as a shopper starts typing in the Review List search box, the widget updates to provide the best matches. Results display in order of relevance, so the sort function is disabled for search results.

The search queries all content from the page's Review List widget. Search terms are highlighted in the results. You can configure the Review List widget to display direct content only or to mix in related content for the product SKU. This configuration affects whether the search results include direct content only or also include mixed-in related content. Related content that is configured to display separately in a 'Reviews for Similar Products' section is not included in Review List search results.

Sort menu options

You can change which options to include in the sort menu (minimum of two), their order in the menu, and which option is the default sort.

  • Most recent (default)

  • Most helpful (upvotes minus downvotes)

  • Oldest

  • Highest rated

  • Lowest rated

Filter options

You can set the available filters and the order the filters are displayed.

Available filters include:

  • Star rating

  • Includes media (visual content)

  • Verified purchasers only

  • Age

  • Custom review subdimensions

  • Custom shopper profile dimensions

If you have multiple filters, you can choose to show them when the page loads or to initially collapse them behind a "Show Filters" link. This can be controlled independently for mobile and desktop breakpoints.

Desktop breakpoint options:

  • Show filters (default)

  • Collapse filters

Mobile breakpoint options:

  • Show filters

  • Collapse filters (default)

If you only have one filter, it is never collapsed.

You can configure which filters to display. Filters based on product subdimensions may be specific to a category. Subdimension-based filters only display if the SKU is in a relevant category.

Shoppers can search and filter at the same time. If a shopper searches while filters are applied, the filters apply to the search results. If a shopper enters search terms and then interacts with the filters, the search results are updated in real time as the shopper changes the filters.

To configure the Review List sort menu and filters, see Configuring Review List Sort and Filters.

Review display rules

  • No Reviews Display - If a minimum number of reviews hasn't been met, the Review List widget does not display.

  • Ratings for API clients - You can use the TurnTo API for Emplifi Ratings & Reviews to collect UGC that only has an overall rating, without a review title or review body. These ratings will be included in the Reviews Summary widget counts and summarization. They do not display in the Review List and are not included in the total review count for the Review List. In other words, a shopper will not see an individual Review List item that only contains an overall star rating. If you want to display ratings in the Reviews List widget, contact Emplifi Support to enable this setting.

Configuration Options

These optional settings are not managed within the Emplifi Ratings & Reviews installation code. Contact Emplifi Support to enable, disable, or adjust these settings.

Configuration options table


Default setting


Widget div IDs

Reviews Summary: tt-reviews-summary

Review List: tt-reviews-list

If there are issues with the default div IDs, you can customize them to any string that will work with your system.

Text changes

See images above for default text.

Virtually all text within the widgets can be customized.

Ratings & Reviews does not translate custom text. You are responsible for all custom text that needs to be localized for other languages.

Review List "Write a Review" button


The Review List search, sort, and filter bar can include a "Write a Review" button that opens to the Review Submission Form. This button is hidden by default because the Reviews Summary widget also includes a "Write a Review" button.

Related review display


If you use Virtual Parent Codes in your catalog feed, you can display reviews for related product SKUs in one of two ways:

  • Mixed-in - Reviews for related products are mixed-in with direct reviews and display in one Review List.

  • Separate - Related product reviews display in a separate 'Reviews for Similar Products' list below the direct Review List items. Note that with this method related reviews are not sorted, searchable, or filtered using the sort, search, and filter bar. The 'Reviews for Similar Products' list is default sorted by the sort method chosen in Review Settings.

Show x reviews initially


The number of reviews that will display on initial page load before pagination is displayed for the remaining reviews.

Show y reviews per page


The number of reviews that will display on each subsequent page for the remaining reviews.

Show x related reviews initially


If you have selected to display related reviews separately from your main SKU reviews, this will load x reviews initially.

Show y related reviews per page


If you have selected to display related reviews separately from your main SKU reviews, the number of reviews that will display on each subsequent page for the remaining reviews.

Truncate the review after n characters - screen less than 568

Screen Width < 568 pixels displays 300 characters

Screen Width between 568 & 848 pixels displays 400 characters

Screen Width > 848 pixels displays 500 characters

For each review, the review body will display n number of lines on load and display a "Read More" link for any lines over n.


Page numbers

How do you want shoppers to access more reviews? Both options display a control below the list of reviews.


  • Page numbers - Display traditional page number navigation that hides the current reviews and displays another page of reviews.

  • Show more - Display a 'show more' button that loads more reviews in place when clicked.

Hide Reviews Widgets for Products not in Stock


If your catalog includes pre-order or out of stock items, you can choose to hide the Ratings & Reviews widgets on those items. When selected, only products that have an INSTOCK value set to Y in the catalog feed will display the Ratings & Reviews widgets.

Purchase Date Format


If you choose to display the purchase date, it can be formatted in the following ways:

  • Short is completely numeric, such as 12/13/52.

  • Medium is longer, such as Dec 13, 1952.

  • Long is a complete date, such as December 13, 1952.

  • No_Day is a custom date format that excludes the day, such as Dec 1952.

Dates are localized, based on locale configuration.

If you have any questions, or to make other changes to your widgets, please contact Emplifi Support.

Widget refresh function

Some PDPs are architected in a way that makes it possible to switch product SKUs without reloading the page. For these pages, the TurnToCmd 'set' function can be used re-initialize the Emplifi content / components given the new SKU context.

TurnToCmd('set', {sku: "newsku"});

Conversion tracking

Note that the Reviews Summary and Review List widgets are not currently reported in Ratings & Reviews conversion reporting.

Changing the JSON-LD object type

The default JSON-LD object type for reviews in Ratings & Reviews is Product. This is expressed as: "@type": "Product",

If your type is not Product, you can declare your type in the turnToConfig object or by using TurnToCmd.

To use turnToConfig to change the default object type, add a schemaOrgEntityType property and provide the correct value.

For example:

var turnToConfig = {
  locale: "en_US",
  pageId: "pdp-page",
  sku: "YOUR SKU",
  schemaOrgEntityType: "Restaurant",
  reviewsList: {
    // onFinish: function(){}

To use TurnToCmd to change the default object type, set the reviewsSummary.schemaOrgEntityType to the correct value.

For example:

TurnToCmd('reviewsSummary.schemaOrgEntityType', 'Restaurant')
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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