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June 26, 2024

Community and Care Welcome Google Business Reviews

Community and Care now support reviews left for Google Business profiles.

You can now use Community to track reviews that customers leave for your businesses on Google. Community downloads the reviews, and you can manage them just like any other types of content: assign to Community agents, reply, add labels, and escalate to Salesforce and Care.


Once escalated to Care, reviews are treated as regular Care cases, which you can manage similar to any other Care cases including escalating to Salesforce.

How to start?
Add your Google Business profiles to your Emplifi account (see Add an Owned Profile for Your Google Business Account). Now, you can go to Community and check the incoming feed while Community is downloading the reviews.
When added to the Emplifi account, Google Business profiles are handled similarly to profiles on social media platforms like Facebook or TikTok that you already have. You can find all your Google Business profiles under Settings -> Channels -> Google businesses (for more details, see “Profiles Section Renamed” further in these Release Notes).

Where else are Google Business profiles supported?
Currently, only Community and Care support Google Business profiles, but we are working on adding them to the other modules like Unified Analytics and Dashboard.
Stay tuned!

Do you have questions?
Please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Learn more:
Add an Owned Profile for Your Google Business Account

Unified Analytics

Advanced Filters Added to More Profile Performance Boards

In Unified Analytics, we expanded the filtering options for the boards under the following sections of the Social profiles module:

  • Instagram

  • X (formerly Twitter)

  • LinkedIn

  • Pinterest

  • TikTok

  • Snapchat


You can explore a wide range of filters to narrow down the processed profile data for even more focused analysis.

You can save your filter configuration as a view for a quick recall later (see Create a Saved View).

Learn more:
Filters and Aggregation in Unified Analytics Boards


Filter and Break Down Data by Ads Types in TikTok Ads Widgets

In Dashboard, you can now filter and/or break down data in the TikTok ads widgets by ads types:

  • Boosted

  • Catalog

  • Dynamic

  • Standard


Learn more:
Ads Widgets Filters and Ad Types


Synchronize Case Status between Care and Salesforce

For the customers who integrated the Care module with Salesforce

You can now configure Care to update the status of a Salesforce case when the status of the related Care case changes, and vice versa.

This way, the information about the case is always synchronized between Care and Salesforce, and you do not need to check for the case status twice.


Learn more:
Create a Salesforce Case or Lead from Care

Hide Comments on X (formerly Twitter)

When working on a Care case originating from X, you can now hide comments directly in Care, without the need to go to X.


Learn more:
Respond to a Care Case


Hide Comments on X (formerly Twitter)

When working on a Community message originating from X, you can now hide comments directly in Community, without the need to go to X.


Learn more:
Respond to a Community Message

Content, APIs, and Custom Metrics

Count First-time Instagram Reel Plays without Replays

You can now measure the initial plays of Instagram reels independently. The “Initial video views” metric counts all first-time plays starting with 1 millisecond of play and ignores replays.

The “Initial video views” metric is available in the Content module, public Emplifi APIs, and custom metrics.

Learn more:
Custom Metrics
Instagram Reels in Organic Analytics
Available Custom Metrics Definitions
API Reference


Profiles Section Renamed

To accommodate the newly added support for Google Business profiles (see “Community and Care Welcome Google Business Reviews“ earlier in these Release Notes), we made small naming changes in the Settings section of the Emplifi accounts.

  • A new first-level section named Channels was added.

  • A new second-level section named Google businesses was added under Channels to hold your Google Business profiles.

  • The Profiles section was renamed to Social profiles and moved under Channels.

All your existing profiles remain intact; only the name of the section has changed.


Learn more:
Connecting and Managing Profiles

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