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Instagram Reels in Organic Analytics

As a part of organic analytics offering Reels are now presented in:

  • Content - Feed

  • Dashboard: Organic flexible widgets

  • Analytics: Campaign view (new)

  • Public API

You can find Reels data by filtering the content by Media type.


Reels Metrics

The metrics that are available for Reels content vary depending on the profile connection type (owned or public).

Public profiles

  • Interactions

  • Interactions per 1k

  • Likes count

  • Comments count

Owned profiles

  • Interactions

  • Interactions per 1k

  • Likes count

  • Comments count

  • Saves count

  • Shares count

  • Engagements (Likes + Comments + Saves + Shares)

  • Reach

  • Reach engagement rate

  • Content impressions

  • Initial video views

    • Disclaimer: This metric is in development by Meta.

    • Available in Content hub, Emplifi APIs, and Custom Metrics.

    • Insights only (no public data)

    • (warning) This metric counts only the first-time (initial) plays of a reel including plays of 1 millisecond or more.

Comments will be displayed in the relevant detail section. Sentiment is available for Owned Profiles (in accordance with the specific pricing and packaging of the Account).

See more details on the calculation of Instagram engagements and reach engagement rate in Engagements, Reach Engagement Rate, and Impressions Engagement Rate.


Q1. Do we have data for Reels that are not shared to Instagram Feed?


Q2. Where can I find the Reels Plays metric?

Plays metric is integrated under Video views (post) and Content impressions.

In short, for the time being, Instagram Reels are counted as follows:

  • in video views = plays + replays

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