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Campaigns are a powerful tool for helping you create and manage Influencer campaigns with the Influencers you have inside your Contacts list.

Instead of collecting UGC from your shoppers based on what they decide to share, you can collaborate with Influencers (Creators) through campaigns to collect content for specific campaign albums according to the goals of the campaign.

Some example campaign goals include:

  • Generating new content

  • Driving conversions

  • Building brand awareness

Create a Campaign

To create a campaign, follow these steps:

  1. From Influencers, click Campaigns.

  2. Click Create New Campaign and complete the required sections:

    1. Provide General Information about Your Campaign

    2. Configure Campaign Parameters

  3. (Optional) Provide additional information to enhance the campaign for both your brand and the creators you work with:

    1. Create Campaign Goals

    2. Add campaign products:

    3. Compensate Campaign Participants

    4. Upload Campaign Assets

    5. Add Creators to Your Campaign
      (warning) Once you add an Influencer to a campaign, you cannot add campaign products to the campaign. Instead, you can add Influencers after you have created the campaign and added all the campaign details.

  4. Click Create Campaign.
    The campaign is created and added to the campaign list.
    (info) The button is usable once you’ve completed both the General and Campaign Parameters sections.

Edit a Campaign

After you create a campaign, you can edit the settings at any time by opening the campaign and clicking Settings.

Invite Influencers (Creators) to a Campaign

After you create a campaign and have added Influencers from your Contacts list, you must send an invite asking the Influencers to join the campaign.

Once your campaign has begun, you can:

  1. View Campaign UGC

  2. Communicate with Creators that Are in Campaigns

  3. View Campaign Analytics

Do you have feedback or more questions? You can contact us through our Emplifi Customer Center.

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