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Unique video views

Facebook, LinkedIn

General description
Number of unique people who watched this video during its lifetime. Facebook and LinkedIn considers a video viewed when it was watched for 3 seconds or more. Facebook considers it viewed when it was watched for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds.

Facebook, LinkedIn

Platform reach

Organic or Boosted
Organic + Boosted

Private or Public

  • Private



Organic vs Boosted/Paid split option (Facebook only)

You can easily display and review the impact of your promoted content by using the Organic vs Paid option in the Breakdown and Filter menus when you are designing your widget.

The option is available for the following widgets:

The availability of the organic vs boosted/paid split in individual widget is indicated by additional icons:

Facebook reels use just one video views metric. No other data is included and FB reels do not support the organic/boosted split. This is down to API limitations. As a result, we are using the blue_reels_play_count mapped into Emplifi's video_views metric.




Filter options

After you design your widget, the Organic vs Boosted/Paid filters are indicated by their icons directly in the widget’s visualization on the dashboard.

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