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Publish a UGC-hosted Landing Page

Being able to create and publish galleries onto Emplifi UGC-hosted landing pages is a great option if you have limited development resources. It also works best if you're looking to run a quick contest or campaign. For an example, click here. Follow these directions to publish an Emplifi UGC-hosted landing page:

  1. Open your Publish Center.

  2. Click on “Publish a New Landing Page” within the “Landing Page” channel.

  3. Title your display (i.e. Inspiration Gallery or 2018 Holiday Contest).

  4. Select the album that you would like to display, choose to show or don't show hotspots, and apply any filter options. Go to Enable Hotspots on Widget Displays to learn more.
    (info) If you don't see your album when connecting it to your display, it might be because it doesn't have any approved content in it!

  5. Customize your display:

    • Display Layout
      Go to Widgets to learn more.

    • Interactive Social Hub
      Go to Set up an Interactive Social Hub to learn more.

    • Lightbox Type
      By default, it will be the product CTA if there is a product tagged to a photo. Customize the fallback call to action that will appear in the lightbox when a photo is clicked by a user and there is no product tagged. 

    • Header Customization
      Customize Header Layout, Header Text, Uploader Button, View Gallery Button.

    • ​Design Editor
      Customize & create your own theme be clicking “Customize Selected Theme” or by clicking the pencil icon beside a theme. Go to Design Editor Guide to learn more.

    • Sort Order
      Select the order in which you want photos to appear in your display. Go to Widgets to learn more. 

    • Branding
      Customize the branding of your new landing page; these can be changed at anytime even after the display is published:

      • Brand Logo

      • Banner Image
        (info) We currently only accept URLs that are hosting images. If you don't have one, you can host it on ImgBB. Open the image to a new tab, and use that URL link.

      • On-page SEO

  6. Save, Generate URL, and share!  

Now that you have generated your URL, the landing page is live and can be shared with your audiences, on social, and in email. 

We recommend updating your content at least once a week.

You may edit your display at any time by heading to the Publish Center and clicking “edit display” beside the corresponding display. Changes will go live on your landing page without the need to update or change the URL. 

Do you have feedback or more questions? You can contact us through our Emplifi Customer Center.

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