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Manage Ratings & Reviews Users

There are a number of roles that can be assigned to Ratings & Reviews users.

Managers can create new experts, moderators, report viewers and additional staff, add roles to existing users, and remove roles from user accounts.

Create a User and Add Roles


  1. In Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, click Team Site roles.

  2. Next to the type of role you want to assign, enter an email for the user and click Add.


    (info) If the user already has a login for Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, the role is added to their account.

  3. If the user does not have an Emplifi Ratings & Reviews account, a message appears.

    1. Verify the email and use the "click here" link within the message to proceed. A new modal appears.

    2. In the new modal, add the user's First Name and Last Name.

    3. Click Continue.

    4. An email with login instructions will be sent to the user.

You can continue to add additional roles by repeating the steps.

Remove a Role

Managers can remove a user from a role.


  1. In Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, click Team Site roles.

  2. Find the role you want to remove, and next to the user click the remove icon.


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