Types of User and Expert Roles for Emplifi Ratings & Reviews
Assign the correct role to your users and experts so that they have the right permissions within Emplifi Ratings & Reviews.
These roles apply only to users within Emplifi Ratings & Reviews. For a description of the account roles which apply across the Emplifi platform, see Account Roles.
User Roles for Emplifi Ratings & Reviews
The following table shows the types of roles you can assign to users within Emplifi Ratings & Reviews:
Role | Permissions |
Manager | manages site settings manages users: adds users, assigns roles, selects alerts that users should receive manages articles included in instant answers search manages word lists access to reporting access to moderation - sees incoming customer generated content (i.e. reviews, questions and answers, checkout comments, seller ratings), including customer information posts to site carry a Staff label
Additional staff | |
Moderator | flags items for response and clears flagged items publishes or hides customer generated content manages articles for instant answers search manages word lists access to moderation posts to site carry a Staff label
Third-party moderator | |
Report viewer | |
Third-party report viewer | |
Email recipient for new questions |
Moderators with this role get a link to the question in moderation.
Email recipient for new reviews |
Moderators with this role get a link to the review in moderation.
Email recipient for low-rated reviews |
Moderators with this role get a link to the review in moderation.
Email recipient for daily moderation status | |
Email recipient for CS alerts |
Moderators with this role get a link to the item in moderation.
The following table shows the types of roles you can assign to experts and staff within Emplifi Ratings & Reviews:
Role | Permissions |
Independent expert manager | adds independent experts assigns experts: selects alerts that experts should receive responds to questions or reviews for an assigned brand, brand category or item, or text containing specific words or phrases posts to site carry a badge; the Staff badge or Expert badge is set on the Manage Emplifi Ratings & Reviews Staff and Experts screen.
Staff expert | responds to questions or reviews for an assigned brand, brand category or item, or text containing specific words or phrases posts to site carry a badge; the Staff badge or Expert badge is set on the Manage Emplifi Ratings & Reviews Staff and Experts screen.
Experts do not need manager or moderator permissions to answer questions or respond to reviews.
Brand expert (third-party user) | responds to questions or reviews for an assigned brand, brand category or item, or text containing specific words or phrases posts to site carry a badge designated by the brand
Experts do not need manager or moderator permissions to answer questions or respond to reviews.
Brand manager (third-party user) | assigns brand experts reviews brand expert activity manages list of specific words or phrases that triggers brand expert assignment sees available syndication statistics for the brand responds to questions or reviews for an assigned brand, brand category or item, or text containing specific words or phrases posts to site carry a badge designated by the brand
Experts do not need manager or moderator permissions to answer questions or respond to reviews.