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Content Types, Historical Data, and Update Frequency in Community

Community supports the following platforms:

  • Facebook

  • Google Business

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIn (company pages only)

  • TikTok

  • WhatsApp

  • X (formerly Twitter)

  • YouTube

Content types and historical data

Supported content types
Not all content types that are available on the supported platforms are supported in Community. Some content types are not supported in Community because they are available only natively on their respective platforms and cannot be accessed via the API.

Profiles to gather data from
Community gathers data only from owned profiles that were activated for Community (for more information, see Add a Profile as Owned (Private) or Public and Activate Profiles for Community and Set Up Profile Roles). Community does not gather data from owned profiles that were not activated for Community or from public profiles.

Available historical data
Collected data remains accessible in the Community feeds for 90 days.

Example: You can retrieve data about Instagram comments for up to 28 days back in the past via the Instagram API. When an Instagram account gets activated for Community (see Activate Profiles for Community and Set Up Profile Roles), Community downloads 28 days of historical data about comments retrospectively. These 28 days of historical data will increase each day, for as long as the Instagram profile is monitored, until the 90-day cap is reached.

Historical availability of ad data for all the supported platforms is two years from the moment when an account was added to the Emplifi platform. This means that after you add an account to the Emplifi platform, you have two years of historical data available. After one year, you will see three years back.

Keeping the historical data up-to-date
Not all the available historical data in Community is kept up-to-date and gets synchronized with the respective native platforms.

Example: Community can store up to 90 days of historical data about comments on LinkedIn. However, when downloading the latest version of the historical data from LinkedIn, Community synchronizes the data only for the last 4 weeks. The historical data older than 4 weeks may not be up-to-date: if a LinkedIn user edits their 5-week old comment directly on LinkedIn, Community will not get this edit and will not update this comment in its database. The version of the comment that Community stores and will continue storing is the last one that was obtained from LinkedIn (that is, when the comment was 4 weeks old).

For information on how far in the past Community goes to synchronize and update the historical data, see “Updating the historical data in the Community feeds“ further in this article.


Content type

Supported in Community?

Direct messages


Wall posts


Mentions/tagged posts


Organic comments


Comments on photos, videos, albums


Standard ad comments (including comments under unpublished/dark posts), comments on boosted posts, remarketing ads, dynamic creative ads, placement asset customization ads, multi-language ads, and geo-location asset customized ads


Comments on posts inside of events


Google Business

Content type

Supported in Community?



Review comments


[1] Except for attached images
The images attached to reviews are not downloaded to Community due to Google Business API limitations.


Content type

Supported in Community?

Direct messages






Media tags


Ad comments


Posts with hashtags


[2] Only the posts that are captured by listening queries with Instagram hashtag search enabled (see Listening - Instagram Hashtag Search)


Community supports only company pages on LinkedIn. LinkedIn personal profiles are not supported in Community.

Content type

Supported in Community?



Direct messages


Ad comments





Content type

Supported in Community?

Comments and replies to comments




Direct messages


Ad-related content (such as ad posts, comments, replies to comments)


[3] Mentions and direct messages are not supported in Community because on TikTok they are available only natively and cannot be accessed via the TikTok API. Therefore, Emplifi or any other third-party provider cannot provide this functionality.


Content type

Supported in Community?

Direct messages (individual chats)


Group chats




X (formerly Twitter)

Content type

Supported in Community?

Direct messages






Reposts (formerly “retweets”)


Reposts with comments (formerly “quote tweets”)


[4] Only the reposts that are captured by listening queries


Content type

Supported in Community?

Comments on videos (including shorts) and channels


Posts and comments on YouTube Community




Direct messages


Ad-related content (such as ad posts, comments, replies to comments)


[5] Posts and comments on YouTube Community, mentions, direct messages, and ad-related content are not supported in Emplifi Community because on YouTube they are available only natively and cannot be accessed via the YouTube API. Therefore, Emplifi or any other third-party provider cannot provide this functionality.

Updating the historical data in the Community feeds

Community regularly accesses the platforms to obtain the latest version of the data and to update the historical data stored in Community accordingly.

How often Community updates the historical data
The frequency of updating the stored historical data depends on the platform and the type of the content. It may also differ for periods when you have Community open in your browser and when you do not.

Downloading content from various platforms is a complex process. Consider the information about the data update frequency an ideal case scenario when there are no issues such as missing tokens, rate limits, infrastructure issues, high loads on databases, or other disruptions.

What historical data gets updated
Community does not update all the available historical data. What portion of the available historical data is synchronized with the respective platforms (in other words, how far back in the past Community goes to download the latest data) varies for different platforms and types of the content.

  • For each individual piece of the stored content, Community keeps regularly querying the content’s native platform to obtain the most recent version of the content. Community will be doing it for a certain period of time only. How long this period is depends on the platform itself and the type of the content (it may be minutes on one platform and days on the other).
    Once this period has passed, Community stops querying the platform for the latest version of the content. From that moment, Community is going to store the version of the content that was obtained last. No changes to this content will be captured past that point.

  • Unless specified otherwise, the date from which Community goes back in the past is “today”.

Example: Community can store up to 90 days of historical data about comments on LinkedIn but synchronizes only the data that is up to 4 weeks old. The historical data older than 4 weeks may not be up-to-date: if a LinkedIn user edits their 5-week old comment directly on LinkedIn, Community will not get this edit and will not update this comment in its database. The version of the comment that Community stores and will continue storing is the last one that was obtained from LinkedIn (that is, when the comment was 4 weeks old).

For information on for how long the data remains accessible in the Community feeds, see “Content types and historical data“ earlier in this article.



Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update


< 10 minutes

< 1 minute

14 days


< 10 minutes

< 1 minute

14 days

Direct messages

< 15 minutes

< 1 minute

15 minutes

Mentions/tagged posts

< 60 minutes

< 1 minute

4 weeks

Dark posts

< 10 minutes

< 1 minute

14 days

Google Business


Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update

New reviews and comments

< 60 minutes

< 60 minutes

30 days[6]

Existing reviews and comments

< 6 hours

< 6 hours

30 days[6]

[6] Back in the past from the time the reviews were posted
Community updates a review for 30 days after it was posted. Once the review is 30 days old, Community stops synchronizing it with Google Business. Reviews older than 30 days do not get updated. Community will be storing the last version of the review that was obtained from Google Business.
The comments that you posted under reviews get updated only as long as Community updates the reviews that these comments belong to (regardless of when you posted the comments themselves).

Example: A Google Business user posted a review on September 1. You posted a comment to this review on September 3.
Community will be updating the review for 30 days after it was posted - until October 1. If the author of the review edits the review directly on Google Business on October 2, Community will not get this edit and will not update this review in its database. Community will be keeping the version of the review that was obtained last (that is, on October 1).
Community will be updating the comment for 30 days after the review was posted (not after when the comment itself was posted). Although the comment was posted on September 3, Community will be updating it until October 1.



Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update


< 60 minutes

< 1 minute

7 days


< 60 minutes

< 1 minute

7 days

Dark posts

< 15 minutes

< 1 minute

7 days



Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update


< 60 minutes

< 1 minute

4 weeks


< 60 minutes

< 1 minute

4 weeks



Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update


< 12 hours

< 15 minutes

60 days


< 12 hours

< 15 minutes

60 days



Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update

Sent messages




Incoming messages




[7] Downloading historical WhatsApp data is not available due to Meta API limitations.

X (formerly Twitter)


Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update


< 15 seconds

< 5 seconds



< 15 seconds

< 5 seconds


Direct messages

< 60 minutes

< 5 seconds

60 minutes



Updating interval while not in Community

Updating interval while in Community

Historical data downloaded to Community with each data update


< 6 hours

< 1 minute

90 days


< 6 hours

< 1 minute

90 days

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