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Content Options in Publisher

Creating a post in Publisher can be a very creative process thanks to an array of content options and tools.

You can specify:

  • media content (photos, videos, gifs) from various sources

  • links, including Emplifi Link in Bio

  • text content which you can write yourself or use AI Composer

  • tags for platforms that support tags

  • comments

  • location information

  • labels

Available content options depend on the selected profiles and platforms.

Content sources

  • Upload photo, video or GIF
    Choose and upload a file from your computer or LAN location. You can upload multiple images at once.

    If the image does not conform to the size requirements, do one of the following:

    • Click the Convert icon to automatically convert the image to an appropriate format.

    • Click the Crop icon to adjust the image manually. The crop menu opens.

    • Click the Delete icon to remove the image and upload another one.

  • Import from web/cloud
    Use your cloud storage as your content resource.

    (info) You will have to sign in to cloud services.

  • Upload from Collections
    Reuse content already in your Collections.

  • Import preview link
    The URL builder helps you add parameters to URLs. When users click one of the custom links, the unique parameters are sent to your Google Analytics account, so you can identify the URLs that are most effective in attracting users to your content.

  • AI Composer
    See AI Composer for more information.

Tag Instagram Users

You can tag/mention Instagram users in Carousels, Reels, and Photo posts. To tag a user, hover over the asset in your draft editor and select the tag icon.

Due to Instagram API limitations, you cannot tag users in video carousels.

If the Instagram account is configured to never allow themselves to be tagged, then the tag will not be applied.

Tag Facebook Pages

You can tag/mention Facebook Pages in all post types. To tag a Facebook Page, type @ and the name of the page. Alternatively, you can type @ and then select the option to insert a link to the page.

You cannot tag Facebook users, only Facebook Pages.

Tag LinkedIn Business Profiles

You can tag/mention LinkedIn business profiles in all post types. To tag a LinkedIn business profile, type @ and the name of the profile.

Tag LinkedIn Personal Profiles

You can also tag/mention LinkedIn personal profile in all post types so long as the personal profile you are trying to tag is following at least one of the profiles used to create the post through Publisher. To tag a LinkedIn Personal profile, type @ and the name of the profile.

Troubleshooting tagging LinkedIn personal profiles

The LinkedIn API limits what characters can be used in a search query for personal profiles, as well as what profiles can be returned through the API:

  • The only special characters allowed are space ( ), apostrophe ('), hyphen(-), and period(.). If the account you are searching for contains a space or a period, your search query should be at least 6 characters long. Otherwise, the limit is 3 to 100 characters. If your search query is outside these limits, the LinkedIn API will recommend only business accounts.

  • Only profiles with their language set to English can be found. If you search for a profile that is not in English, you will not be able to find the profile. If you have access to the account, you can create an English language profile and have that profile returned in the results. To learn more, see the LinkedIn help article "Create or delete a profile in another language."

  • Other possible problems that can prevent a profile from appearing are as follows:

    • The profile visibility

    • The account’s 3rd party data sharing settings

    • Mentions setting

    • M2M block on viewer

    • Missing first name, last name, and/or headline

    • Only the maiden name or the additional name are matched, but these names not set to public

  • If you are searching for a personal profile and are still only able to see business profiles, go to Settings → Profiles and reconnect the LinkedIn profile you are trying to publish to. Reconnecting the LinkedIn profile refreshes the access token. This gives us permission to search for any personal profiles following the account. To learn more, see Connect LinkedIn Insights and Publishing Permissions.

Additional content options

Target your audience

Define the demographics you want to target with your post.

You can specify the following characteristics:

  • age (including restrictions)

  • languages

  • country, region, city

  • college years

  • education level

  • relationship status

  • interests

You can further specify where the posts appears by checking/unchecking the following fields:

  • Feed targeting
    A targeted post will only show up in the newsfeeds of users that fit the criteria of the targeted post. If a user shares the post, then the users friends will be able to see the post regardless if they are a part of the targeting set. The post will be visible to all users that visit the page.

  • Gating
    A gated post is restricted to language and country. Gated posts will not show up in the newsfeeds of users outside of the gating criteria. Only users that fit the criteria of the gated post will be able to see the post.

Branded content

Specify your business partner for the specific post.

Add label

Select from the existing labels or create a new label to mark your post for other Emplifi platform features such as Listening.

If there are any required label groups in your system, users who can see the group must select at least one label from each required group before scheduling or posting content.

Schedule your content

Use this option to delay publishing your post to a specific day and time in future. Scheduling allows you to set up posts ahead of a campaign launch.

Dark post

Facebook only.

Click this option if you want the post to appear as a dark post (sponsored content) in the followers' feeds.

Link in bio

This option is available if you have created a link in bio microsite for your Instagram profile. For more information, see Emplifi Link in Bio.


Add a comment to start discussion or provide additional information about your content, giveaways or sponsors.

Comments will be published along with the post.

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