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Connecting and Managing Ad Accounts

Connecting an ad account allows you to access a comprehensive view of your ad spend, costs, and engagement. Using these ad insights, report on your performance, see what is resonating with your audience, and discover how you can spend smarter to maximize the value of your ad strategy, and ultimately, deliver on business objectives.

This article is for the users who have an account role with the “Add Pages & Profiles” permission (that is, for Account Admins and the users who have a custom account role with the “Add Pages & Profiles” permission under “Pages & Profiles”; see Account Roles).

Supported platforms

You can add ad accounts on the following platforms to your Emplifi account:

Where to find ad accounts

You can access all the ad accounts in the Settings section of your Emplifi account, under Channels -> Ad accounts.


Access to ad accounts

Only users who are assigned to an ad account can access this ad account. The scope of permissions (what a user is allowed to do with an ad account) is managed by the ad account role assigned to the user for this ad account. For more information about ad account roles, see Ad Account Roles.

Who can and cannot access ad accounts

By default, all Account Admins are assigned to all ad accounts in the Emplifi account and have the “Manage” ad account role for each ad account. This cannot be changed.

The user who initially connected an ad account and any user who connected to the ad account at any time later are also automatically assigned to this ad account with the “Manage” ad account role.

A user who is not an Account Admin does not have access to ad accounts unless they are assigned to the ad accounts. To grant a user access to an ad account, assign this user to the ad account with a specific ad account role (see further in this article).

What an ad account role defines

When you are assigning a user to an ad account, you assign this user the ad account role for this ad account. The ad account role determines whether the user can:

  • View data of this ad account in Unified Analytics, Dashboard, and Content (see “Analyze your ad performance” further in this article)

  • Assign users to and remove users from ad accounts.

  • Change the other users' ad account roles.

For more information about ad account roles, see Ad Account Roles.

Assign users to an ad account

When you assign a user to an ad account, you grant this user access to the ad account and define the scope of the user’s permissions for the ad account. The scope of permissions is determined by the ad account role that you assign this user for the ad account.

By default, all Account Admins are assigned to all ad accounts in the Emplifi account. You do not have to assign a user who is an Account Admin to the ad account - this user was assigned to all the ad accounts automatically once they were assigned the Account Admin account role.


  1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Ad accounts.

  2. Click the ad account that you want to assign users to.
    The ad account opens.

  3. Click the Users tab.

  4. Click +Add user.


    The dialog for assigning users to the ad account pops up.

  5. Select the users to assign to the ad account.

  6. From the Ad account role for new user dropdown, select the ad account role to assign to the selected users.
    By default, the “View data” ad account role is selected. For more information about ad account roles, see Ad Account Roles.

  7. Click Add users.
    The users are assigned to the ad account and appear in the list of users on the Users screen.
    The assigned users are granted access to the ad account according to the selected ad account role.

Assign users to multiple ad accounts

You can assign one or more users to multiple ad accounts at the same time.

When you assign a user to an ad account, you grant this user access to the ad account and define the scope of the user’s permissions for the ad account. The scope of permissions is determined by the ad account role that you assign this user for the ad account (see Ad Account Roles).

In this procedure, the users will be assigned to the ad accounts with the “View data” ad account role. If you want to then change it to a different ad account role for some users and some ad accounts, you need to do it for each ad account individually (see “Change a user’s ad account role for an ad account” further in this article).

By default, all Account Admins are assigned to all ad accounts in the Emplifi account. You do not have to assign a user who is an Account Admin to the ad account - this user was assigned to all the ad accounts automatically once they were assigned the Account Admin account role.


  1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Ad accounts.

  2. Select the ad accounts that you want to assign users to. You can first filter the ad accounts to narrow down the initial selection (see further in this article).
    The bar with action buttons appears at the bottom of the page.

  3. Click Users, select the users to assign to the ad accounts, and click Apply.


    The users are assigned to the ad accounts with the “View data” ad account role. If you want to change it to a different ad account role for some users and some ad accounts, do it for each ad account individually (see “Change a user’s ad account role for an ad account” further in this article).

Find out what ad account role a user has

See “Find out what ad account role a user has“ in Ad Account Roles.

Change a user’s ad account role for an ad account

See “Change a user’s ad account role for an ad account” in Ad Account Roles.

Remove users from an ad account

When you remove a user from an ad account, this user loses access to the ad account. They no longer can see this ad account or view data of this ad account in Unified Analytics, Dashboard, and Content.

By default, all Account Admins are assigned to all ad accounts in the Emplifi account and have the “Manage” ad account role for each ad account. You cannot remove an Account Admin from an ad account.


  1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Ad accounts.

  2. Click the ad account that you want to remove users from.
    The ad account opens.

  3. Click the Users tab.

  4. Hover over the user that you want to remove from the ad account, and click the trash can icon that appears.


    (info) To remove multiple users from the ad account, select the users to remove, and click Remove on the bar with action buttons that appears at the bottom of the page.

  5. Confirm the deletion.
    The user is removed from the ad account.

Filter ad accounts

Filter ad accounts to display only the ad accounts that meet certain criteria.

The following filtering criteria are available for ad accounts:

  • Platforms

    • Facebook & Instagram

    • TikTok

    • X (formerly Twitter)

  • Connection status
    The connection status of ad accounts is similar to the connection status of profiles. For more information, see Check and Establish Connections of Owned Profiles.

    • Connected

    • Expired

  • Users
    The users who are assigned to ad accounts



  1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Ad accounts.

  2. Click Filter on the top right.


    The filter panel opens.

  3. Set up the filter criteria, and click Filter Ad accounts.
    The ad accounts that meet the filter criteria are listed.

To clear the filter and return to listing all the ad accounts, click the cross icon next to Filter on the top right.


Find out who added an ad account and when

The information about who added an ad account and when it was done is available depending on your account role.

  • The information about when an ad account was added to the Emplifi account is visible to the users who have an account role with the “View Pages & Profiles” permission (that is, for Account Admins, Account Users, and the users who have a custom account role with the “View Pages & Profiles” permission under the Pages & Profiles section; see Account Roles).

  • The information about who added an ad account to the Emplifi account is visible to the users who have an account role with the “View Users” permission (that is, for Account Admins, Account Users, and the users who have a custom account role with the “View Users” permission under the Users section; see Account Roles).
    (info) If the user who added the ad account was deleted from the Emplifi account since, the information about who added the ad account is not displayed and is not visible to anyone.


  1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Ad accounts.

  2. Find and click the ad account.
    The information about the user who added the ad account and when it was done is displayed on the Connections tab.


Change the color code of an ad account

Customize the default color of any ad account.


This determines how the ad account appears in various environments across the Emplifi platform, for example, in the analytics tooling and in the Content module.

You can update the color code of multiple ad accounts at once.


  1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Ad accounts.

  2. Select the ad accounts whose color code you want to update. You can first filter the ad accounts to narrow down the initial selection (see earlier in this article).
    The bar with action buttons appears at the bottom of the page.

  3. Click the color code icon, and select the color.


    The color code changes for the the selected ad accounts.

Delete an ad account

Deleting an ad account deletes all the data related to this ad account. This data is no longer visible in the Emplifi account and cannot be reviewed or analyzed.


  1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Ad accounts.

  2. Hover over the ad account that you want to delete, and click the trash can icon that appears.


    (info) To delete multiple ad accounts, select the ad accounts to delete, and click Remove on the bar with action buttons that appears at the bottom of the page.

  3. Confirm the deletion.
    The ad account is deleted.

Analyze your ad performance

You can analyze your ad performance from various perspectives:

  • Review aggregated ad data.
    Access essential paid metrics for your ad accounts and campaigns, and compare paid activities across multiple social platforms.
    To do so, go to Unified Analytics, and click Paid (see Paid and Organic Data in Unified Analytics).

  • Discover ad-level insights.
    Oversee all ads being served from your ad accounts, and review metrics for each individual piece of ad content.
    To do so, go to Content, and click Ads (see Ads in Content Hub).

  • Create a dashboard.
    Go to Dashboard, and add widgets from the Ads and paid content performance category (see Ads widgets in Dashboard and Create a New Dashboard).


To be able to see and use an ad account in these modules of the Emplifi platform (that is, to select an ad account as a data source in a Dashboard widget or in Unified Analytics, or to see the ad account when searching for content in Content), you must be assigned to this ad account (see “Access to ad accounts“ earlier in this article).

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