October 18, 2023
Dashboard Widgets: Distinguish Organic and Paid Data in Post-level Facebook Metrics
You can now easily see the breakdown of Facebook organic and paid/boosted data in the following Dashboard widgets:
The split options are available in the Breakdown and Filter menus of the widgets.
Need more information?
Add and Remove a Widget from Dashboard
Dashboard, Analytics, Content
Content Type Changed for Twitter Replies to User
In the Dashboard, Analytics, and Content modules, Twitter “replies to user” (replies to someone’s reply) are now recognized and counted as replies and not as posts as they were categorized previously.
As a result, you may experience a decrease in the number of Twitter posts and an increase in the number of Twitter replies to user in your reports or search results in the Dashboard, Analytics, and Content modules.
This does not affect Twitter replies to someone’s post. They have been and will be categorized and counted as replies.
If you have any question or need assistance, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Live Commerce
Android and iOS App Enhancements
We released new versions of our Live Commerce Android and iOS apps.
The Live Commerce Android app is now at v2.7.20.
The Live Commerce iOS app is now at v1.39.
Both the Android and iOS apps got the following new features in Live Advisor:
Reasons for being unavailable
To manage your staff’s working hours and availability more efficiently, you can now turn on the feature that asks a Live Advisor clerk to select the reason why they are switching their status in Live Advisor from online to offline (for example, they are leaving for lunch or ending their shift).This feature is available per request. If you would like to have this feature enabled, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
You can now create notes and share them with a customer during a 1:1 call or a chat. This helps you facilitate efficient communication and information exchange with customers as well as save time and effort.
For example, you can create notes with discount codes, product links, or any messages that you use often (such as introductions, FAQs, or key trading messages).This feature is available per request. If you would like to have this feature enabled, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
How can you get the new version of the Live Commerce app?
On Android, log out of the app and then log back in. As you are logging in, you will be notified of the app update and prompted to download and install it.
On iOS, once the new version of the app is available in the App Store, it will be downloaded and installed according to how your app update process is set up.
We have fixed a selection of display bugs and made user interface improvements. Additionally:
Updates to the testing console now allow the display of bullet points.
We added extension to our analytics webhook to support the Messenger webchat interface.
Improvements to the performance widget in analytics now allow easier removal/replacement of the widget.