TikTok FAQ
What TikTok capabilities does Emplifi UGC have?
Awesome! What will I be able to do with all of the TikTok content once it’s in Emplifi UGC?
Your collected TikTok content will be treated similar to other video assets in Emplifi UGC, however, since we are not actually downloading the TikTok video and storing it on our system, you will not be able to perform certain actions such as permissions, scheduling, downloading, or pushing to ads. However, you will be able to perform most key actions like tagging products, adding CTAs, and using them in certain widgets.
Please note you are still able to schedule other video content (for example, content collected via Instagram or upload) in Emplifi UGC to TikTok through Emplifi Publisher, just not content collected from TikTok itself.
Which Publish Center channels are compatible with TikTok content?
TikTok content can be displayed in the following channels:
Landing Page
Facebook Tab
TikTok content cannot be displayed in the following channels:
Digital Display
API (premium feature)
Shoppable Instagram
We recommend that you create a Landing Page with your TikTok content to create a Shoppable TikTok page!
I've connected my account and set up a collection, why isn't any content being collected?
Please ensure that your TikTok account is set to be public (you may need to reconnect your account after doing this) and that your collection criteria are correct (ex: your account has content that was posted within the collection timeframe you set).
How do I get permission for the TikTok content that I have collected?
At the moment, we do not provide an automated way to get permission for TikTok content in Emplifi UGC as we do for Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook. That’s why we encourage you to set up your own branded handle and to have your creators authenticate their TikTok accounts via Creators. Alternatively, you can reach out to the content owner manually and then manually mark that piece of content as permissioned in Emplifi UGC when they respond.
How can I see analytics for my collected TikTok content?
Currently, we do not provide analytics for TikTok videos collected in Emplifi UGC, however, TikTok recently modified its API to give us access to like_count, comment_count, share_count & view_count, so support for TikTok analytics will be coming soon!
Do I need to authenticate my TikTok account with Emplifi UGC for TikTok collection to work?
Yes, you need to authenticate your TikTok account in Emplifi UGC in order to collect that account's content.
You can also only collect an Influencer’s TikTok content if they’ve authenticated via the Creator portal.
However, you do not need an authenticated TikTok account to collect via the single-link method.
*Please note that at this time, we will only be able to collect content from authenticated accounts(via one of the two methods above), or the single-link method. You will not be able to set up generic user name or hashtag collections for TikTok at this time.
I want to publish a gallery with TikTok content, but I am worried about music rights. What can be done about this?
We will be displaying videos via TikToks embed capabilities. So, if TikTok determines that they have the rights to play the music, it will be available. Otherwise, the audio will not be available. This also means that any legal takes downs (music or otherwise) on the TikTok platform will translate directly to TikTok content collected via Emplifi UGC.
Why is TikTok mobile embed styled differently than other media content?
The content returned from TikTok is large and wouldn’t fit in the page properly without taking up space. Therefore, we decided to give TikTok embeds a native TikTok feel different from other media content and account for any added products to it.
My connected TikTok account’s name has changed in Emplifi UGC, is this an issue?
Due to the way our TikTok integration works, you may see your TikTok display name showing up as the name for your connected account in Emplifi UGC. This should only happen if your connected account has no posted videos at the time of account authentication. Once your account has a posted video and it is collected by Emplifi UGC we will automatically update your account name to show your TikTok username.
If your user name still doesn't update correctly, ensure that your TikTok account is set to be public (you may need to reconnect your account after doing this).
Please refer to the image below for an illustration on the difference between a TikTok display name vs a username

An Influencer I’m working with has connected their TikTok account to the Creator portal , so why am I not seeing any of their content appear within the Emplifi UGC platform?
Sometimes it takes 2 hours for content to be returned to us via the TikTok API, so you might need to wait a bit before your influencer’s content shows up. If a post hasn't been collected within 2 hours, please let your CSM know and we will look into it for you!
Do you have feedback or more questions? You can contact us through our Emplifi Customer Center.