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Set Up Answer Templates for Care

An answer template is a piece of predefined text that agents working in Community (see Community) and Care (see Care) can use when replying to Community messages and Care cases. Usually, they are frequently used standard phrases such as:

  • Hello! Thank you for your message. How can I help you today?

  • To be able to add another profile, you need to upgrade your pricing plan.

  • We are sorry to hear about your negative experience.

  • Would you have a minute to rate our service?


Answer template groups and user groups

Answer templates are organized into answer template groups, and the answer template groups are associated with specific user groups (see Organize Users into User Groups). This way, you can provide different teams such as Support, Sales, or Customer Success with segmented access to the relevant answer templates.

A user belonging to a user group with an answer template group associated can see the answer templates from this template group and therefore can find relevant answer templates faster when replying to a Community message or Care case. Users who do not belong to that user group do not see the answer templates from the associated answer template group.

If you want an answer template to be visible to all the users in the account, include the answer template in the Global answer template group (see further in this article).

An answer template must be included in at least one answer template group. If you do not have any answer template group created yet, include answer templates in the Global answer template group. This is a default answer template group that is predefined in your account. The answer templates that are included in the Global group are visible to all the users in the account.

You cannot change or delete the Global template answer group.

An answer template group must be associated with at least one user group.

If you do not have any user group in your account, you cannot create an answer template group.

You can, however, still create individual answer templates and assign them to the Global answer template group.

Example: User group A is associated with two answer template groups: 1 and 2. This means that the users from User group A (Mark, Alice, and Jane) can see the answer templates from both Answer template groups 1 and 2 (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot).

User group B is associated only with Answer template group 2. This means that the users from User group B (Anna, Robert, and John) can see the answer templates from Answer template group 2 (Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot) and cannot see the answer templates from Answer template group 1 (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie).

Create an answer template

When creating a new answer template, you will be asked to select one or more answer template groups to include the answer template in. If you do not have any answer template group created yet, include the answer template in the Global answer template group.


  1. Go to Settings -> Answer templates.
    The Answer templates screen opens listing the existing templates.

  2. Click +Create answer template.
    The dialog for creating a new template pops up.

  3. Enter the name of the answer template and the template text.

  4. Enter the short code.
    The short code helps you easily search for the answer template when answering to a Community message or Care case.

  5. Click the Groups dropdown, select one or more answer template groups to include the new answer template in, and click Apply.
    (info) If you do not have any answer template groups, select the Global group. It means that the answer template will be visible to all users in the account.

  6. Click Create.
    The answer template is created and appears in the list of the answer templates. The new template is immediately available for using in Community and Care.

Delete an answer template

Deleting an answer template does not delete the answer template groups that the answer template is included in.


  1. Go to Settings -> Answer templates.
    The Answer templates screen opens listing the existing templates.

  2. Hover over the answer template that you want to delete, and click Remove.

  3. Confirm the deletion.
    The answer template is deleted.

Create an answer template group

When creating a new answer template group, you will be asked to select one or more user groups to associate the answer template group with.

If you do not have any user group in your account, first create one (see Organize Users into User Groups). You can, however, still create individual answer templates and assign them to the Global answer template group (see earlier in this article).


  1. Go to Settings -> Answer templates.
    The Answer templates screen opens listing the existing templates.

  2. Click the Answer templates groups tab.
    The dialog for creating a new template pops up.

  3. Enter the name of the answer template group.

  4. Click the User groups dropdown, select one or more user groups to associate the answer template group with, and click Apply.

  5. Click Create.
    The answer template group is created and appears in the list of the answer template groups. The new group is immediately available for use.

Delete an answer template group

Deleting an answer template group does not delete the answer templates that the group includes.

If you delete an answer template group and the answer templates have no other groups they are included in, they get automatically included in the Global answer template group.

You cannot delete the Global group.


  1. Go to Settings -> Answer templates.
    The Answer templates screen opens listing the existing templates.

  2. Click the Answer templates groups tab.

  3. Hover over the answer template group that you want to delete, and click Remove.

  4. Confirm the deletion.
    The answer template group is deleted.

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