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November 1, 2023


Topics: New Aggregated View to Get More Nuanced Insights into Listening Queries

We are thrilled to announce Topics, a new part of our Listening solution.

Topics is a new aggregated view in the Analytics module that allows you to dive deep into your customer conversations. The algorithm behind the Topics view dissects sentences to understand what is actually being said. As the result, the Topics view shows the most trending topics, their sentiments, and descriptive keywords that are most frequently associated with them.

The Topics view gives you a more authentic picture and enables more nuanced, actionable insights into your Listening queries.

For example, if you are a fashion retailer trying to understand evolving consumer preferences for a seasonal clothing line, categorizing mentions under broader topics like winter collection or summer trends may not be sufficient.
The Topics view can pick up dynamic topics like sustainable fabrics or retro designs and the sentiment tied to each. This helps you pivot or double-down on certain aspects of the collection based on real-time feedback and launch a successful campaign that heavily converts into a boost in sales.

If you have any question, please contact your Customer Success Manager at Emplifi.

Need more information?
Get Nuanced Actionable Insights into Your Listening Queries
Listening - General Guide


Create Recurring Notes

In Calendar, you can now create recurring notes and set them up to repeat on certain days.

Need more information?
Add Notes to Your Campaigns in Calendar


Profiles: Filter Profiles by Connection Type

You can now filter profiles to display only the profiles with connections of a specific type (for example, publishing, insights, product tags, and so on).

Need more information?
Check and Establish Connections of Owned Profiles

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