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January 10, 2024

User Groups Section in Settings: New Features and Redesigned Look-and-Feel

To help you streamline user group management, we gave the User Groups section under Settings a makeover: it now has a new layout, advanced filtering capabilities, and bulk operations.

The redesigned section still offers you all the features that were available in the previous version.

New layout

The user groups are now displayed in a table, which gives you an overview of your user groups and better visibility of how many users and profiles each user group has.

You can sort the user groups alphabetically, by number of users, and by number of profiles.


Just like in the previous version of the layout, you can search for user groups by their name.

The user group detail panel got a new layout too:

  • The tabs were to the left side of the panel.

  • The option to assign multiple users in a user group the same profile role for all the owned profiles in the group was from the Profiles tab to the Users tab and is available when at least one user is selected.


Advanced filtering

You can now filter user groups by profiles and users that are included in the groups.


Bulk operations

You can now perform the following operations on multiple user groups at once:

  • Add or remove users.

  • Add or remove profiles.

  • Delete user groups from the Emplifi account.


Learn more:
Organize Users into User Groups

Unified Analytics

New Widgets for Listening

In Unified Analytics, we added a few new widgets to the Aggregated overview board under Listening.


The new widgets help you analyze more aspects of your data. For example, you can now see what languages are the most frequently used in listening mentions and what countries the majority of the mentions comes from, or you can slice the data about the mentions' authors by gender and age.

Learn more:
Unified Analytics

Compare Organic and Paid Data in Post-level Facebook Metrics

In Unified Analytics, you can now visualize organic and paid data split in the selected widgets on the Facebook boards under Profile performance.

Organic vs Pad data toggle.gif

Learn more:
Paid and Organic Data in Unified Analytics


Bot Routing and Validation Improvements

We have made some updates to the Bot, including:

  • An update to routing logic for Instagram, allowing story mentions and replies to be identified for more nuanced flow behavior

  • A fix for the validation of collect information nodes

  • An update to the way images are stored for social channels
    You can now store images without expiring.

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