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Set up Shared Insights with Influencers

As brands collaborate with a vast network of creators – including influencers and partner brands – a key question for marketers is how to identify the right match when you can only access basic public metrics. Emplifi has an answer to this: a direct and transparent private data sharing function, right in the platform.

This article looks at the process of sharing insights from both sides, and it illustrates the processes both for the brand to request private data insights and for the influencer or partner brand that to allow sharing their insights.

Shared insights are only available for public Instagram profiles. For more information, see the Filtering profiles by shared insights section in Filter Profiles.

What are shared insights

Shared Insights provide an organized approach to share data in a modern and secure way. It streamlines collaboration with influencers and partner brands while ensuring transparency on all sides. Brands can make better decisions based on the whole story, and collaborators can benefit from seamless reporting and analysis.

Shared Insights is a collaborative process: both parties can agree and decide together on the data that's shared. Private metrics, audience data, specific time ranges, and even selected content pieces are all available. With agreed-on terms, both parties can feel confident and in control throughout the whole process.

Once you get access to shared insights, you will be able to use the data in your analysis. Shared data is available all across Emplifi's unified platform – in Unified Analytics, Dashboard, Content Hub, and Influencers.

  • Unified analytics
    Instagram Public profiles data - Shared insights post-level advanced filter

    US Share insights advanced filter.png
  • Dashboard
    Instagram post level widgets - Shared insights filter

    Dashboard Widget Filter.png
  • Content hub
    Shared insights in Search options

    Content hub shared insights.png

Sharing Data From a Brand’s Perspective

Requesting shared data access is convenient and secure. It streamlines reporting, and lets teams quickly validate whether the influencer or partner brand has met agreed-on terms.

Add the influencer’s profile to your account

This way, you can not only monitor and vet them based on their public insights but also request access to their private data.

Add Influencer Profile.gif

Request insights connection

Once you've added the profile, there are various ways to request Insights and send data connection invitations to influencers you're partnering with.

After the influencer accepts your invitation, you will receive a notification on the platform and by email, and you will be able to view the requested data all across Emplifi platform.

In Influencers

  1. Go to the Influencer module.

  2. Find the influencer and click their tile in the search results.

  3. In the panel that slides out, click Insights, then click Ask influencer for insights.

    Requests Insights in Influencers.png

In Settings

  1. Go to Settings, then, in the Channels section, click Social profiles.

  2. Select or search for the influencer’s profile.
    A connection panel opens.

  3. In the Shared insights, click Invite.

    Requests Insights in Influencers 2.png

Sharing data from the influencers perspective

Influencers or partner brands can show that they are a great match for collaboration and they easily keep track of the brands they collaborate with, using an easy-to-read dashboard.

After they receive the invitation link to share their data, the data owner can log in to Emplifi Shared Insights Portal using their Facebook credentials.

Influencers, as data owners, can review what is requested and choose to share Posts, Stories, and Audience Data. 

A data owner is always in control of their data. They can select specific date ranges, and even just exact content pieces.

Once happy with their selection, they confirm this by choosing Share Data with the Brand.


If an influencer or partner brand decides to stop sharing data, they can do this at any time by simply turning off all categories and clicking the Save Changes button.


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