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Email Opt-Out Feed from Ratings & Reviews

When a shopper opts out of an Emplifi Ratings & Reviews email, you may want to unsubscribe that user from other emails in another system. You can choose to receive a file with email addresses for all users who have unsubscribed from emails through our system. We append new email addresses to the file and push the file to your FTP server daily around 4:30 a.m. (ET).

Getting opt-outs from Emplifi Ratings & Reviews


  1. In Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, click Settings → Manage Site.

  2. In the Opt-out feed push URL field, enter the [S]FTP location where you want us to put the file.

    Format: s

  3. Select an Opt-out feed push Format. Default is TurnTo Format.

    • TurnTo Format
      Creates an XML file containing email addresses and the date and time that each user unsubscribed.

      • File name: turnto-optouts.xml

      • File structure: Each optout node contains an email address and the datetime (in MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss format) when the user unsubscribed. If the datetime is unknown, the date node is empty.

      • Example file:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <date>01/16/2020 14:40:34</date>
                <date>03/14/2019 12:34:56</date>
                <date>12/30/2019 17:43:05</date>
    • Salesforce Format
      Creates a tab-delimited text file containing email addresses.

      • File name: turnto-optouts.txt

      • File structure: Contains three headings. Subscriber Key and Email Address are both the user's email address, and Subscriber Status is always Unsubscribed.

      • Example file:

        Subscriber Key	Email Address	Subscriber Status	Unsubscribed	Unsubscribed	Unsubscribed
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update to save your changes.

Sending opt-outs to Emplifi Ratings & Reviews

For details about sending email addresses to Emplifi Ratings & Reviews when users unsubscribe from emails via your other systems, see Email Opt-Out Feed.

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