Whenever you discover inspiring or interesting content, save it to a content collection. You can also share your collections with your team and also invite others to contribute to the collection so that you can organize and plan engaging content strategies together. Teamwork is built into the collections with the following features:
Like or Dislike (vote)individual pieces of content.
A place for Discussion (chat) specific to the collection.
Schedule straight to Publisher.
Live updates to the collection for real-time collaboration.
By default, each user starts with a private collection that has the name “My first collection” and an introductory video to Collections.
Create a Collection
You can create a new, empty collection from the Collections screen or when you find an interesting piece of content that you want to save. Whenever you create a new collection, by default only you have access (Private).
Create an Empty Collection
Starting from the main navigation menu, click Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Click Create Collection. The New Collection window opens.
Click Create. The collection is created and the overlay closes. The newly created collection is automatically selected in the Save Content to Collection window.
(Optional) Depending on the type of content, choose between any combination of Photo, Video, Text, or Content Labels. Only the parts of the content selected will save to the collection.
Click Save. The content is saved to the collection.
Add Content to a Collection
When you find interesting content, save it to a collection so you can find it later. Newly added items appear at the top of the collection. After 200 items, a new page is created within the collection. Each collection can hold a maximum of 500 items.
Save Content to a Collection
Starting from the main navigation menu, click Content. The Content module opens.
Click Feed, Inspiration, Ads, or Listening and search for content.
On the tile for the piece of content you want to save, click the Save to Collection button.
The Save Content to Collection window opens.
Select the collection to save the content to. You can select more than one collection.
(Optional) Depending on the type of content, choose between any combination of Photo, Video, Text, or Content Labels. Only the parts of the content selected will save to the collection.
Click Save. The content is saved to the collection.
You can also add content to a collection directly by clicking Upload when you are inside the collection.
Share a Collection
You can share collections with specific users or with everyone in your account.
Change Access Settings for a Collection
Starting from the main navigation menu, click Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Click on the tile for collection you want to share. The collection opens.
In the collection header menu, click the Share button.
The Share with others sidebar opens.
Select which Access setting to use for the collection.
Private Only the creator of the collection can view and edit the collection. This is the default state for every new collection.
Specific Users Only the selected users have access to the collection. You can choose whether the selected users Can edit or Can view the selected collection. Account admins always have full access to the collection. If Specific users is selected but there are no users added, only account admins and the collection creator can access the collection.
Global Everyone in the account has access to the collection. Additionally, you can choose between the following permissions:
Everyone can view Everyone in the account can view the collection and vote on the content it contains, but only the collection creator and account admins can edit, share, or delete the collection.
Everyone can edit Everyone in the account can view, edit, share, and delete the collection.
Depending on the access setting you chose, click either Done, Share, or Share with Everyone. The access settings are applied, and the side bar closes.
Users with the predefined Account Admin role have the permission to see and edit all shared collections. Because this is a predefined superuser role, it is not possible to modify this permission. If there are users who should not be able to see or edit every shared collection, then move them to a different account role. You can make a duplicate of the Account Admin role and assign the user to that instead. The duplicate role will not have the permission to view or edit every collection.
Archive or Remove a Collection
You can archive collections that you don’t have a use for anymore but aren’t ready to delete. When you archive a collection, the collection is moved from the main collection list to the Archived collections section with all of its content. After you archive a collection, you can remove (delete) the collection.
Archive a Collection
Starting from the main navigation menu, click Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Hover over a collection tile and click the ellipses menu (…). Alternatively, click the ellipses menu next to the name of the collection in the collection header menu when you are inside a collection. The context menu opens.
Click Archive. The collection is moved to the Archived collections section.
To restore a collection, go to your Archived collections, open the context menu for the content, and click Unarchive.
Remove a Collection
When you no longer need a collection and any of the content within the collection, you can remove it (delete). Only archived collections can be removed.
You cannot restore a removed collection. Be sure you want to delete the the collection. If in doubt, leave the collection archived, or save the content to another collection.
Starting from the main navigation menu, click Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
In the header menu, for the Show: selector, choose Archived Collections.
The list of archived collections opens.
Hover over a collection tile and click the ellipses menu (…). Alternatively, click the ellipses menu next to the name of the collection in the collection header menu when you are inside a collection. The context menu opens.
Click Remove. A confirmation window opens.
Click Remove again to confirm the deletion. The collection and all of its content is removed.
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