Asset Recognition for collections and assets in Emplifi Content is currently in early access. Some features may not be available or change before the full release. This documentation is also a work in progress. Please report any bugs you encounter.
If you do not see the option to activate Asset Recognition and would like access before the general release, please contact your customer success manager.
Emplifi’s Asset Recognition is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that helps you effectively manage and track the image and video assets in your collections across incoming posts from public and private profiles connected to the Emplifi platform.
Asset recognition is available for the following platforms:
Facebook ads
X (formerly Twitter)
TikTok (only ad cover images)
How does asset recognition work?
Asset recognition uses AI modeling to identify and label assets inside collections.
The AI then analyzes incoming content from public and private profiles and automatically gives these posts the same label if it detects a similar or identical asset. Consider the following:
You can activate asset recognition for all assets within a collection. This is known as collection level asset recognition.
You can also activate asset recognition for individual assets. This is known as asset recognition at the asset level.
Once a label is assigned to an asset inside your collection, whether collection level or asset level, you cannot remove the label from the asset in your collection unless you disable asset recognition first or delete the label from the system directly.
You can configure the level of precision that the AI should use when matching assets from your collection to assets from incoming posts. Depending on your settings, you can find posts with assets that are identical, nearly identical, and reasonably identical. This can help you find altered versions of your assets in posts from supported social channels.
Posts that already existed within the Emplifi platform before you turned on asset recognition are not processed. This means only assets from incoming posts are analyzed and matched with assets from your collections.
Assets inside posts do not receive the label. Instead, the post itself receives the same label as the asset inside your collection. This is why we say “incoming posts are labeled by asset recognition.”
What types of assets can asset recognition identify?
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Asset recognition can process the following types of content from incoming posts:
Videos mp4, m4v, mkv, webm, mov, avi, wmv, mpg, flv When processing videos, the first minute of the video is processed at 60 FPS. After 1 minute, processing stops. This means that if the first minute of a video is modified, even if the rest of the content in the video is the same as an asset in your collection, there is a high likelihood the model will be unable to match the asset in the post with the appropriate label.
What is asset recognition at the collection level?
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Collection level asset recognition is useful for tracking all of the assets you use in a campaign across your different social channels. When you activate asset recognition for a collection, the AI analyzes all of the assets in that collection. After the analysis completes, the following actions happen:
Each asset is automatically assigned a shared label that identifies them as being part of that collection. The format of the label is predictable and easily recognizable:
[AssetRecognition]_[Collection:{name of collection}] {unique identifier}
[AssetRecognition]_[Collection:Streaming campaign] c1133700-123a-485c-8b55-476984f3139f
After the label is automatically generated, you can rename the label in Settings → Labels.
Whenever a public or private profile connected to the Emplifi platform publishes a post, that post is analyzed using the matching precision you previously specified when you turned on asset recognition for the collection.
If the asset in an incoming post is within the matching precision setting you previously set, then the AI matches that asset with an asset in your collection and automatically assigns the identifying label to the post.
To create a unique label for a specific asset, you can also activate asset recognition at the level of the asset you want to track.
What is asset recognition at the asset level?
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Asset recognition at the asset level is useful for tracking a specific asset across your different social channels. Unlike asset recognition at the asset level, when you activate asset recognition for an individual asset, the asset recognition model processes only that asset. After the analysis completes, the following actions happen:
The asset is automatically assigned a unique label that identifies the asset. The format of the label is predictable and easily recognizable:
[AssetRecognition]_[Asset:{name of the asset}] {unique identifier}
[AssetRecognition]_[Asset:AdobeStock_488596189.jpg] 071a674d-858b-45ac-bdeb-bca028d83646
After the label is automatically generated, you can rename the label in Settings → Labels.
Whenever a public or private profile connected to the Emplifi platform publishes a post, that post is analyzed using the matching precision setting you previously specified when you turned on asset recognition for the asset.
If the asset in an incoming post is within the matching precision setting you previously set, then the AI matches that asset with the asset in your collection and automatically assigns the identifying label to the post.
To instead create a label that is shared across all assets in the collection, you can also activate asset recognition at the level of the collection.
Asset recognition precision matching settings
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When you first activate asset recognition for either an asset or a collection of assets, you can set the level of precision the AI should use when matching posts assets to your collection assets. Before setting your threshold, consider the following:
Asset recognition processes text as part of the image but is unable to understand language. This means that for the purpose of matching an incoming asset to an asset in your collection, the AI will match assets where the only difference is the text on the asset. For example, if you have an asset that uses a different language or call to action depending on the region the asset is posted, the AI will match these assets.
The quality/resolution/cropping of an asset generally has no impact on the ability of the AI to match assets. For example, if someone shares a screenshot of a screenshot of an asset from your collection, the AI can still match the asset to the one in your collection despite the loss of quality.
The priority when processing video is the frame data from the first minute of the video. The video thumbnail is used only as a last resort when the model is otherwise unsure if there is a match or not.
There are three options:
High precision High precision detects identical assets or assets that are nearly identical (the assets only have slight alterations).
Moderate precision Moderate precision detects identical assets, assets that are nearly identical, and assets that are mostly identical.
Flexible precision Flexible precision detect identical assets, assets that are nearly identical, assets that are mostly identical, and assets that are similar but have a greater degree of variation.
How do I activate asset recognition?
Asset recognition can be activated for new collections or existing collections and their assets.
Activate asset recognition for a new collection
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From the main navigation window, go to Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Click Create Collection. The New collection panel opens. For more information on creating collections, see Content Collections.
Click the Asset Recognition toggle to activate asset recognition for the collection.
Select the Matching precision:
High precision
Moderate precision
Flexible precision
Click Create Collection. A new, empty collection is created and opened.
As you add assets to the collection, they will be analyzed and labeled.
Activate asset recognition for an existing collection
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From the main navigation window, go to Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Open an existing collection.
Click the Asset Recognition toggle to activate asset recognition for the collection.
Select the Matching precision:
High precision
Moderate precision
Flexible precision
After you set the matching precision, the AI will start labeling incoming posts with a collection level asset recognition label when it finds a match.
Activate asset recognition for an asset
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From the main navigation window, go to Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Open an existing collection.
Click the asset you want to activate asset-level asset recognition for.
Click the Asset Recognition toggle to activate asset recognition for the asset.
Select the Matching precision:
High precision
Moderate precision
Flexible precision
After you set the matching precision, the AI will start labeling incoming posts with an asset level asset recognition label when it finds a match.
How do I find content that has an asset recognition label?
You can find posts with the asset recognition label from within the collection itself in Content → Collections. Alternatively, you can find the collection or asset associated with the label by finding and opening the label in Settings → Labels.
Find matching posts from Content → Collections
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From the main navigation window, go to Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Open your collection.
Determine which label you want to find:
To find posts that match the collection level asset recognition label, click Show Content in the Asset Recognition section of the General tab. The Content Feed opens and shows any posts that have the collection level asset recognition label.
To find posts that match the asset level asset recognition label, open an asset and click Show Content in the Asset Recognition section of the General tab. The Content Feed opens and shows any posts that have the asset level asset recognition label.
Find collections or assets from Settings → Labels
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From the main navigation window, go to Settings → Labels. The Labels list opens.
Click the name of the label. The label details panel opens.
In the This label was auto-generated by AI Asset Recognition in Collections banner at the top of the label details panel, click Open collection or Open asset. The collection or asset opens.
How do I track the performance of my content with an asset recognition label?
Asset recognition uses the the Campaigns & labels board of Unified Analytics to analyze the performance of content with an asset recognition label. You must access the board through the content collection or asset detail view of the associated label.
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From the main navigation window, go to Content → Collections. The Collections list opens.
Open your collection.
Determine which label you want to analyze:
To analyze posts that match the collection level asset recognition label, click Analyze in the Asset Recognition section of the General tab. The Campaigns & labels board of Unified Analytics opens and shows data for posts that have the collection level asset recognition label.
To analyze posts that match the asset level asset recognition label, open an asset and click Analyze in the Asset Recognition section of the General tab. The Campaigns & labels board of Unified Analytics opens and shows data for posts that have the asset level asset recognition label.
Alternatively, you can click the Analytics tab at either the collection level or asset level to receive data about posts with the label from within the collection itself.
How do I disable asset recognition?
To turn off asset recognition, disable the toggle at either the collection level, asset level, or both. Disabling asset recognition prevents the AI from automatically labeling any incoming posts with an asset recognition label.
Posts and assets that are already labeled retain their labels and can still be analyzed as long as you don’t delete the asset recognition label as well.
How do I delete an asset recognition label?
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Deleting an asset recognition label disables asset recognition for the collection or asset associated with the label. All analysis related to that label is also permanently erased.
From the main navigation window, go to Settings → Labels. The Labels list opens.
Click the name of the label you want to delete. The label details panel opens.
Click the trashcan icon next to the label name. A warning popup opens.
Clicking Delete confirms you understand that deleting the label disables asset recognition and erases all data related to the label. The label is deleted. Asset recognition is disabled for the collection or asset associated with the label and all asset recognition data related to the label is also permanently erased.
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