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Review Incentives

The Review Incentives product allows you to offer a promo code incentive when a shopper submits a review. You're able to offer an incentive on submitted reviews or submitted reviews w/ visual content.


Review Incentives campaigns

We support two types of incentivization campaigns:

  • Static Campaigns are limited to a maximum of 500 SKUs

  • Dynamic Campaigns don't have a limit and can be narrowed down by filters

If you're interested in trying the Review Incentives product please contact your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager to learn more.

If Review Incentives is already enabled on your account, you can start creating campaigns by following the Campaign Management guide.

Review Incentives email timing

Product SKUs included in a Review Incentives campaign have their own email delivery timeframe. We recommend having these emails be sent a little earlier than your normal Review Solicitation Emails.

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