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Respond to a Review

Sometimes you may need to reply to a review left by a shopper. Just like reviews, a response to a review also has a status of either published or hidden.


  1. Click the Respond icon.
    The Response panel opens.

  2. Type your response, or optionally, click Show stock responses and use a stock response.

  3. (Optional) For reviews with confirmed emails, check the Email response to reviewer box.

  4. Click Add Response.
    The response is published to the review.

  5. (Optional) If you want to email the original reviewer but not have your response public, click Status to change the status to Hidden.
    The response is hidden from the shoppers.

Response Outcomes

When responding to a review, there are four possible outcomes:

  • You reply to the review directly
    The response appears on the review, and all shoppers can see the reply.

  • You reply to the review directly and email the original reviewer if they have a confirmed email
    The response appears on the review, and all shoppers can see the reply. The original reviewer is also emailed.

  • You reply to the review and email the original reviewer if they have a confirmed email, but you hide your reply
    The original reviewer is emailed your response, and other shoppers cannot see your reply.

  • You reply to the review and hide the response
    Your response appears in the internal system, and it is not viewable by any shoppers.

Edit or Delete a Response

To edit or delete a response, click the ellipsis (. . .) menu and choose either Edit or Delete.

Consider the following before editing or deleting a response:

  • When editing a response, you do not have the option to email the modified response to the reviewer.

  • Deleting a response does not unsend an email if you sent one.

  • It is not possible to recover a deleted response. Once a response is deleted, the response is gone forever. Consider hiding the response instead if you need to maintain a record of any outgoing communication.

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