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Reach & Engagement - Key Metrics to Look at

Legacy Analytics has been deprecated as of November 13, 2024. It’s been replaced by the Unified Analytics module. To learn more, see Unified Analytics Transition Best Practices.

Social media is always advancing, which makes deciding on which metrics to measure difficult. It is no longer sufficient to only monitor Engagement Rate and Reach in isolation, as they don't project an accurate depiction of your performance.

So why do these metrics matter? For starters, Engagement is becoming more important than ever before. The Facebook algorithm prioritizes quality content to keep audiences on their platform. If you are creating relevant content that your audiences are engaging with, it will be shown to more people, which will help to increase your reach.

With that being said, always make sure to track Reach and Reach Engagement Rate in tandem with Engagement. Reach shows you how many people were exposed to your content and Reach Engagement Rate shows you how many of those reached people actually interacted with it.

You can monitor Reach Engagement Rate in numerous ways. Firstly, you can view Reach Engagement Rate in the Content section of a selected page in Analytics. Scroll down to the list of posts and check the Reach Engagement Rate underneath each post.


You can also monitor Reach Engagement Rate in the Insights section of Analytics, under the Reach section. In this graph, you can clearly see the Reach Engagement Rate throughout the entire month.


Finally, you can also find Reach Engagement Rate in Dashboard. There, you can create a custom visualization for the metric, choosing from three options: Value, Evolution or Comparison. As Reach Engagement Rate is part of Facebook Insights, the aggregation of the Evolution is either by 1 day, 7 days or 28 days.


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