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Feed Processing

You can provide feeds to Emplifi by manually uploading a file, supplying a file's URL or FTP location, or by Automating Feeds with the TurnTo API for Emplifi Ratings & Reviews.

Validating Feed Files

When you upload a feed file manually, you can use the Validate Only option to check your feeds before fully processing. Once successfully validated, you can choose to promote the feed file from View Feeds page.

Feeds uploaded through the Ratings & Review Portal have a 250 MB file size limit. Larger feed files should be delivered via FTP.

When a file is uploaded, it has to be transferred to Emplifi's internal file system. To ensure large files have time to transfer, validation will not begin for 30-60 minutes depending on the file size.


  1. In Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, click Settings → Feeds → Upload feed.

  2. Select your Feed Type from the dropdown menu.

  3. (Optional) Select an encoding.

  4. Choose your file, and then select Validate Only.

  5. Click Submit.

You can see the status of your submitted feed on the View Feeds page.

Viewing Feeds

To view your feeds in Emplifi Ratings & Reviews, click Settings → Feeds → View Feeds.

On the View Feeds page, you can see the status of each feed you have sent to Emplifi, as well as any error messages associated with those feeds.

The Status column provides a quick look at where the file is at in the process, and the Summary column shows more details. Possible statuses include:




The file has been uploaded.

To ensure large files have time to transfer, validation will not begin for 30-60 minutes depending on the file size. The file remains in New status during the transfer.


The file is being validated. If it's valid, the data is loaded into your Emplifi Ratings & Reviews site.

If the feed file is run Validate Only, it will not automatically load.


We are unable to process the file. The Summary column may include a View Errors link.

An email containing error information is sent to the managers of the site, and the Emplifi Customer Success team is automatically notified.


The feed file has been validated, and its contents are available in your Emplifi Ratings & Reviews site.

If the feed file is run Validate Only, it will not automatically load. Choose the promote link to continue processing and load data.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.