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Customize the Properties of a Profile

Customize the profile properties to help using the profile data across Emplifi.

Color code

Customize the default color of any added profile. This determines how the profile appears in various environments across the Emplifi platform, for example, in the analytics tooling (see Compare a Profile with Another Profile).

Customize Profile Color.png


Defining the timezone for a profile is useful if you are maintaining, or following, geographically diverse set profiles. For example, set up your European Instagram profile to GMT and your North American profile to Easter Time.

If you do this for the public profiles of your competitors, you will make sure that any comparative analysis of data will compare the datasets from the same time frame.

Customize multiple profiles at once

Customize multiple properties of several profiles at once. The customization bar appears when you select two or more profiles.

Bulk Customize Added Profiles.png

Further customization options

You can also add labels, and edit user and group access for one or more profiles.

For more information, see:

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