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This article summarizes the use of browser cookies by Emplifi Ratings & Reviews widgets. The widgets are installed as bits of non-blocking JavaScript on your site (first party). They load from—and communicate with—Emplifi servers (third party).

Disabling tracking

The SpeedFlex widgets collect data on user viewing and interactions. The widgets generate a unique identifier that is stored in a first-party cookie, TTSVID. The unique identifier does not contain any information about the user or their machine. This identifier allows interactions to be tied together for an anonymized user. It allows for product improvement and providing useful information about how your users are interacting with the SpeedFlex widgets.

If for whatever reason you do not want this data collected, this data collection can be disabled by setting disableTargetingCookies to true on turnToConfig on the pages where the SpeedFlex widgets are installed.  In most cases, this will be used to stop collecting data when the user has opted out of having tracking data collected for them.

An example of turnToConfig with tracking disabled.

  var turnToConfig = {
    locale: "en_US",
    pageId: "pdp-page",
    sku: "YOUR_SKU",
    disableTargetingCookies: true

Disabling all cookies

The SpeedFlex widgets set two other cookies for normal functioning of the widgets.

  • TT_USER_TOKEN: SpeedFlex widgets use this first-party cookie to persist for 24 hours the logged-in state of users who submit content using the widgets and authenticate with Emplifi Ratings & Reviews. The user must come from a solicitation email or a confirmation email (authentication) in order for this cookie to be present.

  • TT_SRLSD: SpeedFlex widgets use this first party cookie to store the date a user last saw the seller rating form. The cookie will only exist for users that have seen the seller rating form. It expires after one year.

If you do not want these cookies to be used, they can be disabled along with the tracking cookie by setting disableAllCookies to true on turnToConfig on the pages where the SpeedFlex widgets are installed.

An example of disabling all cookie usage.

  var turnToConfig = {
    locale: "en_US",
    pageId: "pdp-page",
    sku: "YOUR_SKU",
    disableAllCookies: true

Disabling these cookies has consequences for the normal behavior of the SpeedFlex widgets.

  • Once “logged-in”, the user does not need to provide their information for any subsequent UGC submissions. If cookies are disabled, the user will need to provide their information (name and email address) for each submission. The exception to this is if you are using SSO to handle logged-in state.

  • If your site collects Seller Ratings, the user may be prompted to submit a seller rating more often than desired since the widgets will not know the last time the user saw the Seller Rating form.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.