Confirm the Status of a Review and Visuals
When a review and its visual content arrive in your inbox, they are either automatically published to your site or automatically hidden. Click Publish or Hide on an unmoderated review and any of its visuals to set the Status to the corresponding choice.
Many countries have laws that protect a reviewer’s ability to share their honest opinions about the products, services, or conduct of a business. This also includes a consumer's right to access the honest opinions of other consumers before entering into a transaction with a business. Emplifi encourages you to publish all reviews promptly, including negative reviews, provided the proper scrutiny has been applied in relation to the relevant jurisdiction (for example obscene content as defined in that particular country).
While not all of these rules may be applicable for your specific jurisdiction, you can review the following guidance from the United States of America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to develop an understanding of industry best practices with regards to review moderation:
Reviews and Visuals Statuses
There are four possible statuses that reviews and visual assets can have:
Auto published
The review or visual was automatically published as a result of your Ratings & Reviews auto-moderate settings. The review or visual is considered unmoderated.Auto hidden
The review or visual was automatically hidden as a result of your Ratings & Reviews auto-moderate settings. The review or visual is considered unmoderated.Published
A human moderator confirmed the that review should be published by clicking the Publish button on the review. The review is considered moderated.Hidden
A human moderator confirmed the review should be hidden by clicking the Hide button on the review. The review is considered moderated.
Find Reviews to Moderate
You can find unmoderated reviews in the following sections of the portal:
Moderate → Reviews → Inbox
The main area of the portal to find reviews that still need moderation.Moderate → Reviews → All
The area of the portal that contains all reviews (moderated, unmoderated, flagged).Moderate → Reviews → Flagged
The area of the portal to find all reviews that have been flagged.
When moderating reviews or visual content, consider the following:
Once the status of the review is set to Published or Hidden by a human moderator, the review is considered moderated and moved to Moderate → Reviews → Moderated.
Once the status of a visual is set to Published or Hidden by a human moderator, it is moved to the respective folder in Moderate → Visuals.
Change the Status of a Moderated Review
Sometimes a review that was moderated as hidden should be published, or a review that was moderated as published should be hidden.
To change the status of a moderated review (or response), click the current Status and select the new status.
Return a Moderated Review to the Inbox
If you change the rules for auto moderation, or if you are unsure of whether a review should be published or hidden, you can Reset the status.
Resetting the status sends the review back to the inbox and causes the auto-moderator to either auto-publish or auto-hide the review. A human moderator must once again select Publish or Hide on the review for it to be considered moderated.
Select Multiple Reviews
You can use multi-select to change the status of up to 50 reviews at once.
When you use multi-select to select one or more reviews, the following bulk actions become available:
Sets the status of all the selected reviews to Published.Hide
Sets the status of all the selected reviews to Hidden.Confirm
Sets the status of all the selected reviews to either Published or Hidden based on its auto-moderated status. For example, auto-published reviews become Published, while auto-hidden reviews become Hidden.