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Compare Profile Labels

On top of using profile labels as a data source for social profile analysis, you can also

  • compare a profile against a profile label using the Profile vs. profile label tab

  • compare two or more profile labels' performance using the Profile label multicomparison tab

Both tabs feature a typical array of controls - you can export the data set, display data by average or total, apply filters, select the time frame and time aggregation, as well as Create a Saved View for a quick recall in the future.

Compare a profile against a profile label

Comparing your profile’s performance against a profile label allows you to assess the efficiency of the content with a specific labels in the context.

Every chart in profile vs profile label shows averages.

Profile vs Profile Label.png

When used within your owned profiles, you are comparing one of your profiles with specific profiles labels with insights. You can assess performance among your own brands, divisions, etc. For example, you can easily compare your current line-up (your profile) with your previous line-up performance (profile label). You can fund out if your average interactions, engagement, or followers number are better now.

With public profiles, using the profile vs profile label makes benchmarking easy.

If you’re comparing your profile against your competitors' public profile labels, you’re comparing your profile against profiles without insights.

Compare two or more profile labels

This allows you to quickly compare performance of profiles and content with specific label(s).

When comparing profile labels, you can toggle the widgets between averages and totals.

Profile Label Multicomparison.png

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