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Integrate Data from Emplifi into Microsoft Power BI Using the Emplifi Power BI Connector

Integrating social media insights alongside the rest of your marketing or business intelligence data gives you a holistic understanding of your entire digital strategy, all in one place.
With the Emplifi Power BI Connector, you can add data from the owned and public profiles in your Emplifi account to the charts and graphs in your Microsoft Power BI and combine it with other data that you own.

This article describes the steps you need to perform in a third-party product. The process and changes in the user interface in third-party products are subject to change beyond our control, and Emplifi therefore accepts no liability associated with them.

If you need help with Microsoft Power BI, see the public documentation (specifically, the article about connecting to data in Power BI Desktop).

How the Emplifi Power BI Connector works

The Emplifi Power BI Connector acts as a layer between the public Emplifi API and Microsoft Power BI. The connector helps you work with your data intuitively, directly in your Power BI Desktop.

Profiles as a source of data

The Emplifi Power BI Connector obtains data from the profiles (both public and owned) that you have in your Emplifi account (see Add a Profile as Owned (Private) or Public).

  • For public profiles, the connector obtains only public data that is available via the API.

  • For owned profiles, the connector obtains the private data about insights of the connected social media accounts.
    (info) For the connector to be able to get this data, the owned profiles must have the insight permission connected/not expired (see Check Connection Status of Owned Profiles).

The Emplifi Power BI Connector cannot provide data for social media accounts that are not added to your Emplifi account as profiles.

Supported metrics and content

The Emplifi Power BI Connector supports the majority of data and metrics available through the public Emplifi API except for the following:


To be able to use the Emplifi Power BI Connector, you have to have the following:

  • Integration with the public Emplifi API enabled in your Emplifi account
    The connector uses the API to connect to your Emplifi account.

  • The token and secret to API authentication
    You will be using these token and secret to log in to the connector. For more information about the token and secret, see the Emplifi API documentation.

Check whether integration with the public Emplifi API is enabled in your Emplifi account and, if not, request it and get your token and secret.


  1. Go to the Emplifi platform and log in to your Emplifi account.

  2. Go to Settings -> Integrations & API.

    The list of available integrations opens.

  3. Check under which category Emplifi Public API is listed.

    • If it is listed under Integrations in Your Subscription, Connect Them Right Now, the public Emplifi API is enabled in your Emplifi account.
      Contact the Emplifi Support team and request your token and secret.

    • If it is listed under Integrations out of Your Subscription, Available for Purchase, the public Emplifi API is not enabled in your Emplifi account.
      Request the public Emplifi API integration:

      1. Click Request next to Emplifi Public API.
        The request is sent to Emplifi.
        The status of the API integration is changed to “Requested”.

      2. Wait for your Customer Success Manager to contact you and enable the Emplifi public API in your Emplifi account. Your Customer Success Manager will also provide you with the token and secret.

Once you have the token and secret, you can start working with the Emplifi Power BI Connector.

Use the Emplifi Power BI Connector in your Power BI

The Emplifi Power BI Connector is offered in two versions. Choose the one that better suits your business requirements.

  • The Emplifi Power BI Connector integrated into Power BI Desktop
    This version of the connector has been certified by Microsoft and is readily available in Power BI Desktop.
    This version contains only the updates as of the date when it was submitted for certification. Therefore, due to a longer certification process by Microsoft, once it becomes available in Power BI Desktop, it may not contain all the latest updates from Emplifi.

  • The custom version of the Emplifi Power BI Connector that Emplifi distributes
    This version of the connector is provided by Emplifi upon request. This version contains all the latest updates from Emplifi as of the date when you receive the connector from the Emplifi Support team.
    To use this version, you will need to perform a few steps in Power BI Desktop to allow the connector to load.

Neither of these versions gets updated automatically.

Power BI Desktop may still contain an older version of the Emplifi Power BI Connector that is named “Socialbakers Metrics”. This version has been discontinued by Emplifi and is no longer supported. Do not use it.

Use the connector integrated into Power BI Desktop


  1. Go to your Power BI Desktop.

  2. On the Home ribbon, click Get data.

    The window for choosing the data source opens.

  3. Search for “Emplifi”, and select Emplifi Metrics (Beta).

    (info) Alternatively, you can click Other, and select Emplifi Metrics (Beta).

  4. Click Connect.
    You are asked to authenticate yourself with Emplifi.

  5. Enter your token and secret, and click Connect.
    The connector connects to your Emplifi account via the Emplifi API and shows you the available data.
    Now, you can choose which data you would like to load into Power BI Desktop and start analyzing your Emplifi data within Power BI.

Use the custom connector that Emplifi distributes


  1. Contact the Emplifi Support team and request the custom version of the Emplifi Power BI Connector.
    The Support team sends you the connector as a MEZ file.

  2. Save the file on your computer, in the Documents/Power BI Desktop/Custom Connectors folder.
    If this folder does not exist, create it.

  3. Go to your Power BI Desktop.

  4. If a warning message about uncertified connectors appears, close it and adjust the data extension settings in your Power BI Desktop. For more information about how Power BI handles non-certified connectors, see the Microsoft article Connector extensibility in Power BI.

    1. Click File -> Options and Settings -> Options.
      The option configuration dialog opens.

    2. Under Global on the left, click Security.

    3. Under Data Extensions, select (Not Recommended) Allow any extension to load without validation or warning, and click OK.

    4. Restart the Power BI Desktop.

  5. On the Home ribbon, click Get data.

    The window for choosing the data source opens.

  6. Search for “Emplifi”, and select Emplifi Metrics.
    (info) Alternatively, you can click Other, and select Emplifi Metrics.

  7. Click Connect.
    You are asked to authenticate yourself with Emplifi.

  8. Enter your token and secret, and click Connect.
    The connector connects to your Emplifi account via the Emplifi API and shows you the available data.
    Now, you can choose which data you would like to load into Power BI Desktop and start analyzing your Emplifi data within Power BI.

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