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Analyze Performance of Your Care Operations

Care comes with its own analytics that provides comprehensive data on agent-customer interaction.

You can easily review and analyze the performance of your Care operations by creating a dashboard with a set of dedicated Care widgets and metrics.


Generate a Care dashboard from a predefined template

Quickly generate a dashboard with one of ready-to-use Care dashboard templates.

  • Care: Case Analysis
    Analyze Care cases according to status, trends, first response time, and handling time.

  • Care: Team Performance
    Analyze how your Care team handles cases and get an overview of the agents' performance.


  1. In the main Care menu (see Use Standard Care Settings), click Reports -> +Create dashboard.


    You are redirected to the Dashboard module and asked to choose a dashboard template or to start building a dashboard from scratch.

  2. Choose one of the Care templates.
    A new dashboard is generated and populated with your Care data.

  3. (Optional) Rename the dashboard and/or set up the default date range for the dashboard widgets.

  4. Click Create Dashboard.
    The generated dashboard is saved and appears under My dashboards in the left panel.
    The dashboard also appears in Care: you can find it under Reports -> My dashboards in the main Care menu.


By default, a newly created dashboard is available to you only. You can grant other team members access to the dashboard or export it to PDF and share the generated file (see Share and Export a Dashboard).

At any time later, you can update the dashboard by adding and deleting individual widgets (see Add and Remove a Widget from Dashboard).

Generate a Care dashboard from scratch

Generate a fully customized dashboard with dedicated Care widgets.

You can choose from the following Care widgets:

  • Number of cases
    The widget displays the number of cases escalated from Community to Care over the defined date range.

  • Growth of new cases
    The widget displays the increases in the number of cases escalated from Community to Care over the defined date range.

  • First response time
    The widget displays the average time it takes the agents to post the first response to a Care case. The first response time is calculated as the delta between the creation of a case and the first message posted by the agent.
    Given the definition, the metric is calculated only for cases with the first response.

  • Handling time
    The widget displays the average time it takes the agents to resolve a Care case. The handling time is calculated as the delta between creating a case and marking the case as done. If a case reopens and is marked as done multiple times within the defined date range, the last time of marking it done is considered.
    Given the definition, the metric is calculated only for done cases. For more information about the statuses of Care cases, see Change the Status of a Care Case.

  • Care agents performance
    The widget displays the number of cases assigned to each agent, how many they resolved, their average time to post the first response, and the handling time.

  • Escalated Salesforce cases (Care)
    The widget displays the total number of Care cases escalated to Salesforce.
    (warning) This widget is available only if you have integrated Care with Salesforce (see Integrate Care with Salesforce).

  • Escalated Salesforce Social Posts
    The widget displays the number of Social Posts escalated to Salesforce.
    (warning) This widget is available only if you have integrated Care with Salesforce (see Integrate Care with Salesforce).

  • Case level CSAT
    The widget displays the total average of all CSATs (customer satisfaction scores) across all Care cases over the defined date range.
    (warning) This widget is available only if you have the Voice of Customer module.

  • Survey response time
    The widget displays the total amount of time customers take to respond to a CSAT (customer satisfaction score) survey after it is sent over the defined date range.
    (warning) This widget is available only if you have the Voice of Customer module.

You can filter and break down the data in the widgets by various dimensions (such as assigned user, case status, language, sentiment, and so on).


  1. In the main Care menu (see Use Standard Care Settings), click Reports -> +Create dashboard.


    You are redirected to the Dashboard module and asked to choose a dashboard template or to start building a dashboard from scratch.

  2. Click Blank Dashboard.
    A new empty dashboard opens. In the left panel, a new item titled “Blank Dashboard” appears under My dashboards.

  3. Click +Add Widget to add your first widget to the new dashboard.
    The list of all available widgets opens.

  4. Click the Care icon to narrow down the selection to only the Care widgets.


    Only Care widgets are displayed.

  5. Click the widget that you want to add to the dashboard.
    The widget configuration page opens.

  6. Configure the widget options.
    Typically, you can define the widget name, type, data source, filters, breakdown dimensions, and any widget-specific options if available.

  7. Once you have configured the widget, click Create Widget.
    The widget is added to the dashboard.

  8. To add another widget, click Add -> Widget, and repeat Steps 4-7.
    Do so for as many more widgets as you want to add to the dashboard.

  9. Rename the dashboard to give it a distinctive and meaningful name.


    Your dashboard is ready.
    The dashboard also appears in Care: you can find it under Reports -> My dashboards in the main Care menu.


By default, a newly created dashboard is available to you only. You can grant other team members access to the dashboard or export it to PDF and share the generated file (see Share and Export a Dashboard).

At any time later, you can update the dashboard by adding and deleting individual widgets (see Add and Remove a Widget from Dashboard).

Review the Care dashboards

To see all the Care dashboards that you created or that are shared with you, go to Care, and click Reports in the main Care menu.


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