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TurnTo Magento Extension Glossary

Configuration Menu

These configuration settings can be found under Stores > Configuration > TurnTo Social Commerce > Configuration.

Magento TurnTo Social Commerce Menu with Configuration highlighted

General Settings

Setting Name


Enable Social Commerce

Enable or disable the entire TurnTo Magento Extension.

Site Key

Enter the Site Key from your TurnTo instance here. This is used to identify the TurnTo instance that the extension pushes feeds to and pulls User Generated Content from. Find the Site Key in the Manage Site menu of the TurnTo Portal.

Authorization Key

Enter the Auth Key from your TurnTo instance. The Authorization Key is used to uniquely identify the TurnTo instance that the extension pushes feeds to and pulls UGC from. Keep this value private. Find the Auth Key in the Manage Site menu of the TurnTo Portal.

Image Store Base

A setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that identifies the base URL for TurnTo images. Generally you should never need to modify this setting.

Use child SKU instead of parent SKU

A general setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension. If set to Yes, use a SKU for each variant. If set to No, use a single SKU. See Use a Variant ID or SKU for more information.

After changing this setting, an updated catalog file must be pushed to the TurnTo system. Contact Emplifi Support if you are considering changing this in your production environment.

Questions & Answers

Setting Name


Enable Q&A

A setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables TurnTo's Q&A Widgets.


Setting Name


Enable Reviews

A Reviews setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables Review Widgets, and also controls a number of other features, such as whether the Average Rating Feed Import job executes.

In almost all cases Enable Reviews should be set to Yes.

Visual Content

Setting Name


Enable PDP Gallery Row

A Visual Content setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the Gallery Row widget on the Product Detail Page (PDP).


Setting Name


Teaser Type

A Teaser setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension. If set to Use Local Teaser Code, the extension uses local code (code within the extension) to generate the teaser. If set to Use Teaser Widget, the extension uses code hosted by TurnTo to generate the teaser widget.

Set to Use Teaser Widget unless you have custom template overrides that you wish to maintain locally.

Enable Reviews Teaser

A Teaser setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the Review section of the Teaser.


Enable Question & Answers Teaser

A Teaser setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the Q&A section of the Teaser.


Enable Comments Teaser

A Teaser setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the Checkout Comments section of the Teaser.


JS Order Feed and Checkout Comments

Setting Name


Enable Javascript Order Feed

A JS Order Feed and Checkout Comments setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the JS Order Feed on the checkout success page, which sends TurnTo information about orders customers have placed.

Enable Checkout Comment Capture

A JS Order Feed and Checkout Comments setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that is only available if the Enable Javascript Order Feed configuration is set to Yes, which determines whether the Checkout Comment Capture Widget appears on the checkout success page.

Enable Display Widget on Product Page

A JS Order Feed and Checkout Comments setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the Checkout Comment Display Widget on the Product Detail Page.

Enable Top Comments

A JS Order Feed and Checkout Comments setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the Top Comments Widget on the Product Detail Page.

Enable Checkout Comments Pinboard Teaser

A JS Order Feed and Checkout Comments setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that enables the Checkout Checkout Comments Pinboard Teaser Widget on the Product Detail Page.

Product Feed

Setting Name


Enable Automated Feed Submission

A setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that determines if the Nightly Catalog Feed Job is enabled.

Product Ratings Feed URL

A Product Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension for the URL the TurnTo Average Rating Feed file is pulled from.

Product Feed

A setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension for the URL the TurnTo Catalog Feed File is pushed to.

Review URL

A Product Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension for the URL used by some widgets to fetch UGC data.

Config Template URL

A Product Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension for the Base URL used to fetch widget code.

Social Commerce URL

A Product Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension for the Base URL used to fetch some configuration data.

Export Product Catalog to the TurnTo System

A Product Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension. Click this button to push a catalog feed to the TurnTo system immediately.

This export may not work for especially large catalogs. Please use the Cron Schedule settings to schedule the regular catalog export job to run.

Customer Name Fallback

A Product Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension that determines whether to use the customer’s Billing Address or Shipping Address to fetch their First and Last Name if the customer does not have an account.

Product Feed - Attributes and Identification

Setting Name


Brand Attribute

A Product Feed attribute in the TurnTo Magento Extension that should be used to populate Brand values in the TurnTo Catalog Feed export.

MPN Attribute

A Product Feed attribute in the TurnTo Magento Extension that should be used to populate MPN values in the TurnTo Catalog Feed export.

Additional Product Identifiers (GTIN)

A Product Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension where you set up the mappings for your attribute types. The XML feed sent to TurnTo follows the Google Shopping Feed specification, which says the attributes below belong to a GTIN classification. These attributes map to the "gtin" node in the XML feed sent to TurnTo.

  • UPC Attribute (GTIN Value): The Magento attribute used to populate Universal Product Code (UPC) values in the TurnTo Catalog Feed export.

  • ISBN Attribute (GTIN Value): The Magento attribute used to populate International Standard Book Number (ISBN) values in the TurnTo Catalog Feed export.

  • EAN Attribute (GTIN Value): The Magento attribute used to populate European Article Number (EAN) values in the TurnTo Catalog Feed export.

  • JAN Attribute (GTIN Value): The Magento attribute used to populate Japanese Article Number (JAN) values in the TurnTo Catalog Feed export.

  • ASIN Attribute (GTIN Value): The Magento attribute used to populate Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) values in the TurnTo Catalog Feed export.

Only one GTIN value can be used at a time. If a product has values for more than one of the attributes, the first attribute in the list with a value is sent as the GTIN value.

Historical Orders Feed

Setting Name


Enable Automated Feed Submission

A Historical Orders Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension. When Enable Automated Feed Submission is set to Yes, the Nightly Order Feed Cron job will run on the schedule determined in the Cron Schedule menu.

Enable Cancelled Order Feed Submission

A Historical Orders Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension. When Enable Cancelled Order Feed Submission is set to Yes, a Nightly Order Feed Cron Job runs.

Exclude Items Without a Delivery Date

A Historical Orders Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension. If set to Yes the Nightly Order Feed executes normally. If set to No, orders that have not shipped are not included in the Nightly Order Feed File.

Delivery Date on Full Shipment

A Historical Orders Feed setting in the TurnTo Magento Extension. If set to No the Nightly Order Feed executes normally. If set to Yes, orders do not have a Delivery Date value populated in the feed until all items in the order have shipped.

Single Sign On

If SSO is enabled for your TurnTo instance, you can customize the messages that customers see when submitting a review, a question, or an answer.

There are six message fields that can be set:

  • Review Login Message: Appears when a customer tries to leave a review while logged out.

  • Review Login Message (Purchase Required): Appears when a customer tries to leave a review for an item they purchased, but the they are logged out.

  • Question Login Message: Appears when a customer tries to leave a question while logged out.

  • Question Login Message (Anonymous Allowed): Appears when a customer tries to leave a question while logged out, and anonymous questions are allowed.
    (info) The customer’s question is submitted, but they won’t receive notifications about answers unless they log in.

  • Answer Login Message: Appears when a customer tries to leave an answer while logged out.

  • Reply Login Message: Appears when a customer tries to leave a reply to an answer while logged out.

Cron Schedule Menu

These configuration settings can be found under Stores > Configuration > TurnTo Social Commerce > Cron Schedule.

TurnTo Social Commerce menu with Cron Schedule selected

This menu can be used to modify the schedule of the TurnTo cron jobs. See Magento: Configure Cron Schedule for steps to change cron job schedule.

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