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Syndication Frequently Asked Questions

The easiest way for brands to syndicate their product reviews to their retail partners is FREE! Products with more customer reviews sell better. Emplifi Open Review Syndication puts product reviews collected by brands onto the eCommerce sites of merchants who sell those products, increasing review volume and lifting sales.

To join the Emplifi syndication network for free, fill out the form.

How will my syndicated reviews be used?

Your reviews may only be shown by syndication recipients in the places where they normally display reviews of the products they sell, such as their product detail pages and category list pages. No other uses are allowed.

Does Emplifi charge a fee for this service?

No! This service is entirely free of charge.

How will Emplifi collect my reviews?

Several options. Most companies prefer to have us crawl product reviews directly from their site (just the way Googlebot does), as this requires no technical integration. Emplifi’s purpose‑built crawler is highly accurate and uses a single thread metered to a low cadence to ensure there is no adverse impact on the source site. We can also ingest reviews through a feed. Of course, if you use Emplifi as your product reviews platform, collection for syndication is automatically taken care of.

Is Emplifi able to syndicate reviews from all brands?

Most, but not all. The reviews need to be properly formatted on your site or in the feed you send, and they need to include a strong product identifier, like a GTIN or MPN, to enable us to match the item to the recipient site catalog. After you sign up, we will check and let you know if there are any such issues. And, of course, you must own the reviews you want to syndicate or at least have rights to share them in this way.

Does Emplifi receive any personally-identifiable information (PII) through the syndication process?

No. Review syndication only requires that Emplifi receive the same information that you publicly display in the ratings & reviews section on your product pages. You should not send us, and we will not accept, any PII in the review syndication data.

Can I change my mind?

Yes, at any time. Emplifi and the sites that receive your syndicated content acquire no ongoing rights to your content, and there is no term commitment for review syndication. Just let us know by sending an email to that you have decided to stop syndication and we will promptly remove your content from our system and those of the recipient sites.

Which reviews are syndicated?

We syndicate all eligible reviews, which are reviews that are published on your site, have text, have author details, and match a product in the recipient's catalog. If the recipient site has different moderation policies than you, they may not publish all of the content you send them. In practice, the rejection rate is typically very low or zero. You cannot select only certain reviews for syndication (for example, only positive ones).

What are the SEO implications?

Emplifi follows industry best practices to ensure that you continue to get the primary SEO credit for reviews you collect and publish. These include displaying source labels alongside the content and delaying delivery to syndication recipients. We can remove the delay if you prefer speed of syndication over SEO optimization.

How will I know where my reviews are being syndicated?

Once syndication has been established, Emplifi will provide you with a dashboard showing which sites in the Emplifi network are receiving your syndicated reviews and how many match to their catalogs.

Is my content safe with Emplifi?

Emplifi is one of the top ratings and reviews solutions. Our customers include some of the largest online merchants and global brands. We adhere to industry best-practices for data security, and, based on independent ratings, we have the highest customer satisfaction among our peer group.

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