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Search in Unified Analytics

Unified Analytics comes with a comprehensive search module that allows you to quickly find the right board, widget or relevant metrics.

Get the best out of your search

You can improve search results by including the module name or the name of the specific platform.

For example:

  • Type in impressions social profile to search only in the Social profiles boards.

  • Type in impressions instagram to search for Instagram impressions widgets only.

To search within Unified Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click the search box.

    • Use keyboard shortcut CTRL-K or CMD-K (on a Mac).

  2. Type the search term.
    The search results display.

  3. Click a search result to see it in the board.

Filter the search results

You can filter the search results using the tabs to display

  • Everything

  • Saved views

  • Boards

  • Widgets

  • Metrics

Hover the cursor over a search results to display the result’s category.

Search in Unified Analytics.png

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