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Search Engine Optimization

Getting your products in front of customers who are looking to buy is a key step in the conversion process. Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies play a major role in product awareness. Emplifi can augment your SEO efforts.

Structured data

When used well, structured data is a humble but powerful product champion.

Speed matters for SEO

Google wants everything on the web to be faster, and gives preference to sites that load quickly. Here’s how Emplifi outshines the competition:

  1. Emplifi’s product widgets are written using the latest in reactive JavaScript for the fastest and lightest display.

  2. Our JavaScript bundle size is one-half to one-quarter the size of our competitors; it’s optimized for speed.

  3. Emplifi’s code libraries dynamically generate the minimum amount of code needed for features on a page, lowering the workload on browsers.

Lots of long-tail keywords

Your customers happen to write product reviews using the same words and phrases that people searching for those products also use. Product reviews embed these long-tail keywords right in your site with little effort on your part. And that means your website and product pages will rank higher in search engine results pages.

The freshness factor

Search engines love active pages that are frequently updated. Emplifi’s products capture more content than the competition with innovations like Inbox Submissions, meaning your product pages will receive more frequent updates with us. That’s a signal to search engine web crawlers that your page is important and will boost your SEO as a result.

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