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Integrating with Gladly

Gladly is a customer service platform where clients track conversations with their customers. The Emplifi integration with Gladly lets you see reviews collected through Emplifi in your Gladly dashboard, where you can manage conversations on reviews that are flagged for Customer Service (CS).

Here's how the integration works:

  • A shopper submits a review or a review is flagged for CS in moderation.

  • Emplifi delivers a webhook payload with the review data.
    (warning) Work with Emplifi Support to configure a webhook subscription. For more on webhooks, see Emplifi Ratings & Reviews Webhooks.

  • Reviews are presented on a customer detail page in Gladly.

  • A review flagged for CS becomes a task within Gladly. The task includes a link back to Emplifi moderation.

  • Gladly uses the the TurnTo API Review Responses endpoint to create, update, or delete review responses.

To set up the Gladly integration, you need the following information:

  • The webhook URL where Emplifi should deliver the webhook payload

    This is where Emplifi's webhook service will provide notifications about review content and moderation

  • Your Gladly Inbox ID, Gladly URL, Gladly Basic Authentication username, and password

  • A Gladly API Token

You should not provide your Emplifi primary API access token to other platforms or companies.

For more on tokens, see Managing API Access Tokens.

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