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Deleted Album Content

Approved content that you Delete moves to the Deleted section of your album.

Deleting a piece of content from an album will only remove it from the selected album. It will not delete or remove the content from other albums. You will need to delete the content from each album that you do not want the content to appear in.

Delete content from an album

Only content that has been approved can be deleted.


  1. Click on the piece of content to open the lightbox containing the content details.

  2. In the Other Actions dropdown menu, select the Delete Content option.

  3. Confirm by clicking the Delete button.

Restore content to an album

If you accidentally delete a piece of content, you can quickly restore it back to the album from which it was removed.


  1. Open up the album from which the piece of content was deleted.

  2. Click Deleted in the top left corner of the dashboard.

  3. Click on the piece of content to open the lightbox containing the content details.

  4. In the Other Actions dropdown menu, click Restore Content button.

To delete or restore multiple pieces of content at once, use the multi-select tool. Select all of the photos you’d like to delete or restore by clicking the check mark in the top right corner of each photo. 

Do you have feedback or more questions? You can contact us through our Emplifi Customer Center.

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