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Custom Analytics Reports

There are six types of custom analytics reports that are available:

Top Converting Content: This report provides a detailed breakdown of your best-performing content by username, click opens, add to carts, conversions, and total conversion value. 

Top Products: This report provides a detailed breakdown of your top products by product name, Emplifi UGC add-to-carts, add-to-cart value, Emplifi UGC conversions, and total Emplifi UGC conversion value. You can also see a breakdown of content for each product. 

Shoppable Instagram: This report provides a detailed breakdown of your Shoppable Instagram’s performance in terms of click-backs, conversions, likes, and comments for each piece of content.

Widgets: This report provides insight into the performance of each live widget you have deployed on your website. You will see a breakdown of gallery opens, interactions, clicks, engagement rate, add to carts, conversions, and conversion rate for each individual widget.

Email: This report will break down the total clicks, conversions, and total conversion value for an Emplifi UGC widget in the selected email. 

Social: This report provides insight into social-related analytics that reflects either your Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) accounts.


After creating a new report, it will be emailed to you when ready to view. Depending on the date range of your report, it may take up to a few hours to create.

You can also view a finished report by returning to your reports where you will be able to select, view, and download a report that you have created.

Do you have feedback or more questions? You can contact us through our Emplifi Customer Center.

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