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Connect Facebook Insights and Publishing Permissions

The publishing permissions will allow you to publish content through the Publishing module and respond to fans’ messages and comments with the Community Tool.
Insights will grant you an overview of private data metrics such as reach, impressions, demographics and others.

You can set up these data connections at any time, as long as you have the correct Facebook page role assigned. 

Prerequisites for connecting Facebook private data with Emplifi

Before connecting Facebook insights and publishing permissions, be sure to fulfill three major prerequisites:

  • The Facebook page needs to already be monitored in your Emplifi Suite Account

  • The Facebook page has to be either Business/Brand or Community/Public Figure (personal profiles won’t be added)

  • The user attempting to add the owned page as Private has to have the correct Facebook Page role assigned.

    The table below shows which page roles a user may have in order to connect insights or publishing with Emplifi:


    Double-check Facebook Page Roles & Permissions (for Private Data and Facebook Ad Account).

  • A  Facebook login will be required in order to confirm if a user has the necessary permissions to create reliable access to Facebook Insights or Publishing.

If you’re already logged in to a Facebook account in your browser, the login authentication step might be automatic, and the fill-in of the credentials won’t be necessary.

This might cause trouble with the confirmation of the users’ page roles from Facebook in case you’re logged in to an undesired (in terms of this connection) Facebook profile.

As an example, let’s say that you have 2 different Facebook Profiles: your personal profile (without access to your company’s Facebook Page) and a profile created specifically for your job/activity (with admin access to your company’s Facebook Page).

  • You are currently logged in your personal Facebook profile and attempt to add a Facebook page as private to your Emplifi Suite Account.

  • Plainly speaking, Emplifi will detect which Facebook session you’re currently logged on and analyze whether the page role has sufficient rights to share private data with Emplifi

  • However, since your personal Facebook profile doesn’t possess such permissions to your company’s Facebook Page, it will result in an error.

To avoid any issues or errors with the login authentication step, it’s recommended that you:

  • Either log out from all of your current Facebook sessions;

  • Or, open an incognito window in your internet browser (find how here), and continue to step 3.

The incognito window works as a separate browser, and it doesn’t keep any of the active Facebook sessions from your regular browser windows.

If you were already using the incognito window, and logged on a Facebook profile through it, the session will be kept until logout.

  1. Log in to your Emplifi Suite Account

  2. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Social profiles.

  3. Pick the Facebook Page you want to connect the private data

  4. Press the corresponding connect button, as shown in the screen below:

  5. A new browser window/tab will prompt you to login with your Facebook profile. As previously mentioned, this Facebook profile has to have access and the correct Page role assigned to the Facebook Page selected on step 7.

  6. If it’s the first time you’re attempting a Facebook connection with Emplifi, you will be asked to allow our platform to access all the relevant data required (please allow!).

  7. If it’s not the first time, you should simply be asked to log in to your Facebook profile, since the access to all the relevant data required was previously granted.

  8. Press Continue as <your profile username>
    Double-check if this is the correct Facebook profile with access to the Facebook Page you’re trying to connect the private data with.

  9. Allow the platform to access all relevant data. You can choose what you will allow. It’s advisable that all the permissions are allowed to avoid any common connection issues in the future.

  10. Click ‘OK’ if you’re ready

  11. If the credentials are correct, and if your Facebook Page roles are detected as sufficient, the page’s Insights and/or Publishing Permissions will be connected, and Emplifi Suite will switch the profile from Public to Private (or owned). 

What if the connections were not successful?

If you run into any issues connecting your private data, please remember: it won’t be possible to add a page as Private if the user doesn’t meet the 3 major prerequisites stated at the start of this guide.

Consider the following steps: 

A. If you receive an error mentioning that your Facebook login does not have the correct Page role:

  • Double-check that you’ve used the correct Facebook login.

  • Double-check if your Facebook Page role meets the requirements.

B. Remove Emplifi’ Business Integrations from your Facebook Profile

  1. Go to your Facebook profile

  2. Press Settings

  3. Press Business Integrations

  4. Pick the Emplifi Business Integration

  5. Press Remove

    Once Emplifi’ Business Integration is removed from your Facebook profile, the platform will lose connection with the previously granted access to the relevant data.

  6. Try to connect the Facebook Insights or Publishing Permissions again.

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