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Commerce Analytics

Commerce analytics helps you understand how your widgets affect conversion and which products and photos perform the best.


Conversion: Compare the average conversion rate for unique visitors when they interact with an Emplifi UGC display versus when they do not interact with an Emplifi UGC display.

Average Order Value: Compare the average order value when customers interact with an Emplifi UGC widget versus when they do not interact with an Emplifi UGC widget.


Conversion Funnel: A breakdown of the total unique page loads, display interactions, add-to-carts, and conversions for unique visitors that interacted with an Emplifi UGC display.

Total Products Sold: The total products sold to unique visitors who interacted with an Emplifi UGC display.

Total Revenue: The total conversion revenue that was impacted by Emplifi UGC display interactions.



Top Products: The top products with the most conversions when visitors interact with Emplifi UGC displays.

Top Converting Photos: The photos that drive the most conversions from views, opens, and shares.


Shoppable Instagram 

Funnel: A breakdown of how many unique visitors landed on your Shoppable Instagram, clicked on a product to get redirected to a product page, and ultimately converted.

Followers: Track how your Instagram follower count changes over time.


Do you have feedback or more questions? You can contact us through our Emplifi Customer Center.

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