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Channels are the interface that the customer uses to "chat" with your bot.

On the Channels page, you can add or edit your incoming channels. You can choose from several platforms. After you add a channel, you assign a bot to the account and activate the bot. If you have access to channels, you will see it under your company's name.

Accessing the Channels page

  1. From the Application Bar, click Your Company Name.

  2. Click Channels.

Channels page layout





Channel Name

The name of the channel.



The bot which operates on this channel.

Click here to display a drop-down menu containing a list of your company's bots, from which you can choose a bot for this channel.


Bot Active

This indicates whether the selected bot is actively operational on the channel.

Click here to activate or deactivate the bot on this channel.


Default Conversation Handler

The entity which is responsible for the conversations held by the bot on this channel.

Click here to display a drop-down menu containing a list of your company's conversation handlers, from which you can choose a handler for the selected bot.


Add Channel

Click here to create a new channel. For more information, see the "Adding a Channel" section below.



Click here to open the Channel Rules window for the selected channel. For more information, see the "Channel Rules" section below.

(info) This button is only available on Facebook channels.



Click here to test the access token with which Emplifi Bot connects to the channel's platform.



Click here to refresh the access token with which Emplifi Bot connects to the channel's platform.


Open Webchat

Click here to open a webchat conversation with the selected channel's bot in a new window.

This option is only available for webchat channels.



Click here to open the settings window for the selected channel. The options that are available depend on the channel's platform.



Click here to delete the channel.

(error) This action cannot be undone.

Channel rules

Emplifi Bot has the ability to search for content in public Facebook comments and initiate conversations in Facebook Messenger with users whose comments have fulfilled certain definable conditions. These conditions, along with the initial response sent from the bot to the users, are configured in the Channel Rules window.

This feature is only available for user comments on Facebook posts and Facebook Live videos hosted by the Facebook page that the bot is operational on.

For example, a rule with the condition "Matches all of the following rules: Content contains 'tired'"; Time of Day is after 12:00 PM EST" will only be fulfilled if the analyzed user content contains the word "tired" and was created after 12:00 PM EST. Upon the conditions' fulfillment, the bot on the selected channel will send the pre-configured response to the appropriate users.






Click here to enter a new name for the channel rule. When you are finished typing, click Enter to save the name.


ON/OFF Toggle

This indicates whether the selected channel rule is actively operational on the channel.

Click here to activate or deactivate the channel rule.



Click here to save the changes you have made to the channel rule.

(info) When changes are made, but not yet saved, the Save button will turn blue. Once saved, the button will return to gray.



Click here to open the Filter drop-down menu, where you can search through the library of rules belonging to the selected channel, as well as filter the library by rules or by folders containing groups of rules.


Add Channel Rule

Click here to create a new channel rule. The new rule is added to the selected channel's library.


Delete Channel Rule

Click here to delete a channel rule.

(error) This action cannot be undone.


Matches/Conditions/Operators Drop-downs

Use these drop-down menus to define the specific conditions necessary for the selected channel's bot to engage the user.

For example, the condition "Matches all of the following rules: Content contains 'tired'"; Time of Day is after 12:00 PM EST" will only be fulfilled if the analyzed content contains the word "tired" and was created after 12:00 PM EST.

For more information about the drop-down options, see the "Rules Drop-Downs" section below.


Rule Text Field

Click here to enter text for a "Content" condition.


Send Direct Message

Select this checkbox to send the configured response as a direct message to the users who fulfill the channel rules' conditions.


Delete Rule Condition

Click here to delete the selected channel rule condition.

(error) This action cannot be undone.


Add Rule Condition

Click here to create a new condition for the channel rule.


Response Text Field

Click here to author the response that is sent to the users who fulfill the channel rules' conditions.


Response Types

Select the type of response. You can choose from:

  • Text: a body of text capable of containing letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Card: a card containing an image, a title, a subtitle/description, and a configurable amount of custom buttons.

  • Quick Replies: a short body of text accompanied by a configurable amount of custom buttons.

  • Image: an image hosted at a specific URL.

    • To add an image, click the blank image to display two text boxes. In the text box labeled "Image URL", paste the URL at which the image is hosted. In the text box labeled "Image Alt Text", enter the text that appears when the user hovers over the image.

  • Carousel: a carousel of multiple cards, each containing an image, a title, a subtitle/description, and a configurable amount of custom buttons.

  • Custom Payload: a custom response written in the syntax of the interface on which the response is sent.

    • To select an interface, click on one of the several options displayed above the text box.

    • To configure a custom response, enter it in the text box using the syntax appropriate to the selected interface.

Rules Drop-Downs

Matches Drop-Downs

Set this drop-down to match "any," "all," or "none" of the conditions you define.

  • Any: at least one of the defined conditions must be met in order activate the rule.

  • All: every defined condition must be met in order to activate the rule.

  • None: none of the defined conditions must be met in order to activate the rule.

Conditions Drop-Down





Allows you to define groups of conditions.

Public Message

Content Type

Allows you to specify a type of content using special options in the Operators drop-down. See the table below for details.


Allows you to enter specific text in the adjacent text field.

Time of Day

Allows you to set a specific time and time zone using special options in the Operators drop-down.

Day of Week

Allows you to set a specific day of the week and time zone using special options in the Operators drop-down.

Operators Drop-Down





Searches for anything that contains exactly what the text field says.

does not contain

Searches for anything that does not contain exactly what the text field says.


Searches for exactly what the text field contains.

is not

Searches for anything except what the text field contains.


Searches for things similar to what the text field contains.

not like

Searches for things that are not similar to what the text field contains.

length <

Searches for posts that are less than the number of characters entered in the text field.

length <=

Searches for posts that are less than or equal to the number of characters entered in the text field.

length >

Searches for posts that are greater than the number of characters entered in the text field.

length >=

Searches for posts that are greater than or equal to the number of characters entered in the text field.

length =

Searches for posts that are equal to the number of characters entered in the text field.

length !=

Searches for posts that are not equal to the number of characters entered in the text field.

Content Type


Searches for posts that consist of text.


Searches for posts that contain an image.


Searches for posts that contain a file.


Searches for posts that contain a single location.


Search for posts that contain multiple locations.


Searches for posts that contain a reaction.

Time of Day

Is before

Searches for posts with a time-stamp earlier than the specified time.

Is before or on

Searches for posts with a time-stamp earlier than or equal to the specified time.

Is after

Searches for posts with a time-stamp later than the specified time.

Is after or on

Searches for posts with a time-stamp later than or equal to the specified time.

Day of Week


Searches for posts created on the specified day(s).

Is not

Ignores posts created on the specified day(s).

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