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2019.09.13 - Digital Display

We are excited to announce that we are upgrading our Live Display capability to a new feature called Digital Display! Now, you can feature your most highly engaged content on any digital signage (and in-store displays). Our new Digital Display is touchscreen enabled to make content more interactive, and gives you more selling opportunity by incorporating product tags and QR codes to lead users to more information and purchase options.

Digital Display is now available with two options. The free version is available to all customers and closely mimics the functionality of the outgoing Live Display. You also have the option to upgrade to the premium Digital Display which incorporates:

  • Interactive and configurable Collage layout

  • Product tags and QR codes for more information and a new path to purchase

  • Fully customizable logo and banner options

Please take a look at this article or this product tour for more information on how to get started. 


If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via Emplifi Support or through the in-app chat!

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