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TikTok Publishing

This page contains high-level specifications for scheduling and publishing TikTok posts through Publisher.

If your post does not meet the requirements to publish, Publisher informs you so you can correct the post.

The TikTok API allows only 20 posts within 24 hours. This period of time starts from when the first post is published to the target account. Publisher keeps track of your publishing history and will warn you when the limit is reached.


Text properties


More information

Post character limit




Video properties


More information

Allowed extensions

mp4, avi, mpeg, mpg, mov, m4v


Maximum number of files



Minimum and maximum duration

3 seconds to 3 minutes

Select TikTok accounts can upload videos longer than 3 minutes, but no video can be longer than 10 minutes. TikTok has not publicly disclosed what conditions a creator needs to meet to upload a video longer than 3 minutes.

Maximum file size

4 GB


Minimum dimensions

360px x 360px


Maximum dimensions

4096px x 4096px


FPS (frames per second)

23 to 60 fps


Additional publishing options

  • Scheduling with PrimeTime AI Recommendations

  • Labels

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