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Publish to YouTube

In this guide, we’ll share some important information, along with tips and tricks, so that you can get the most out of this feature.

Connect Your YouTube Channel

You have to follow the standard process to connect a new YouTube channel. However YouTube requires an Owner role to allow a third party to connect with the YouTube channel. Please make sure you have the Owner role for the channel before proceeding.


Schedule or Publish YouTube Video

The scheduling is the same as for every other network. You will use the same editor, the same button to pick a date and time, and the same button to upload your video. The only differences are that you can only publish a video and of course the set of properties you can set for your YouTube video post.


Available YouTube Video’s Properties

We understand YouTube Studio is a powerful and cherished tool therefore we decided to implement everything the YouTube API allows. That being said, besides the obvious properties such a title or description, you can also set:

  • Custom thumbnails

  • Add the video automatically to multiple playlists

  • Mark the age restrictions

  • Visibility

  • Tags

  • Set the language of the video and add the subtitles' file

  • Recording date

  • License

  • Category


End Screen

We can hear you… where are the End Screens? Unfortunately, this part of YouTube native capabilities is still limited for third parties.

The silver lining is that you can add the end screens anytime after a successful publishing via the native YouTube Studio. Alternatively, you can publish the video as private and have it there waiting for your final end screen touches.

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