June 28, 2023 (Voice of Customer)
New Star Rating Scale for Single Select with Score Questions
We have added a new Star Rating scale when choosing the Single Select with Score option for surveys. This allows the customer to quickly provide a rating between 1 and 5 stars when completing a survey.
New Features for Feedback Tab
We have added new features to the Feedback tab. When you design the Feedback tab by selecting Engagement > Look and Feel, you can choose to do the following:
You now have the ability to adjust the corner radius of the Feedback tab. We have also increased the text to contain up to 25 characters.
You can show or hide the Overlay Message for the desktop. This message will show when hovering over the Feedback tab. If you choose to show the message, you have the ability to style the border of the message by corner radius, border weight, border color, text color, and background color. The message may contain up to 150 characters.
You can upload a custom icon symbol for the Feedback tab.
You can use a new default survey icon.
Additionally, the feedback image is converted to HTML and CSS in the Feedback script.
Improved Alert Sensitivity
We have improved the New Alert configuration with a “less than” condition. When you configure how often the user will receive a notification, you can now choose “More” or “Less” from a drop-down menu. For example, a configuration flow could be: users will receive a notification when the conditions are met [5] time(s) or [Less] per [24] hour(s).