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Facebook Overview: All Competitors and KPIs in One Place

In Analytics, you can get a quick overview of all your monitored Profiles and their KPIs on one page.


Create a personalized Overview based on the KPIs that matter to you most - click on Sort By to get started.


The Overview section is flexible - you can easily add or delete metrics you want to view, change the order of pages and view your labels' KPI's. Just click on the Settings cog icon to get started.

You will instantly see a menu with metrics you can edit according to your needs. Rearrange the order or add or delete metrics as you see fit.


You can label profiles as seen in the example below:


Click on Labels at the top of the page if you wish to create a labelled view.  


Additionally, you can compare a set of pages or labels within a section. Start by selecting the pages or labels you would like to compare and then click on the Compare button.

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