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December 5, 2023

Voice of Customer

In this Voice of the Customer update, we are introducing the Interactive Experience Survey Template feature. This addition simplifies the survey creation process and offers customization options for a more tailored brand experience.

Pre-designed Templates

A selection of pre-designed templates for various industries and feedback scenarios is available.

Customization Options

Tailor the appearance of surveys to align with your brand image by adjusting colors, fonts, and styles.

Responsive Design

Surveys are optimized for different devices, ensuring a seamless experience for respondents across desktops, tablets, and mobiles.

Real-time Preview

Experience changes in real-time as you customize the survey, providing immediate feedback.

Branding Elements

Incorporate brand elements such as logos and imagery to reinforce your corporate identity.

Improved User Experience

The enhanced survey creation process is designed for a user-friendly experience, reducing the learning curve and enabling teams to launch surveys swiftly.

Accessing New Features


  1. Log in to your Voice of Customer portal.

  2. Click Create Project.

  3. Choose the Interactive Experience option.

  4. Customize the look-and-feel based on your branding preferences.

  5. Save and launch your survey.

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