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Deep Dive into Your Ads Performance

If you would like to review all of your promoted posts, go to Ads Overview.

Here you can keep track of your posts, measuring KPIs such as: Spend, CPC, Click-Through-Rate, Actions per $1, Impressions, Clicks, Engagement.

Actions per $1 is a unique Emplifi metric created to help you understand how many actions your posts are generating for every dollar spent. This helps you better understand how quality content can go further than blind spending.

If you would like to dive deeper into your ads performance, you can use the Ads section in Analytics. In this section, your social ad data is combined across all of your profiles. Here, you can choose the KPIs that matter to you most, instantly generate visualizations of your data, compare results across campaigns and ad sets, check your ad relevancy, and more!

Use Ads in Analytics to get an overview of the following:

  • Number of connected ad accounts

  • All your created campaigns

  • Ads created for a specific page / post / website

Please note that Ads in Analytics covers paid activities of user ad accounts with sets of metrics for:

  • Ad accounts

  • Campaigns

  • Ad sets

  • Ads

To begin, select Facebook from the horizontal navigation bar of the page and click on the Ads button. Take a look at the Overview section, which includes visualizations for other sections, such as Performance, Cost, Engagement and Campaigns.

The remaining sections focus on the following parts:

  • Performance
    includes general performance metrics, like Number of Impressions, Reach, Conversions and more.

  • Cost
    details about costs, like Total Spent, CPC & CPM.

  • Clicks
    how many clicks the ad received.

  • Engagement
    shows the number of actions completed on the ad, page, app or event, as well as distribution of these actions and more.

  • Campaigns
    available campaigns for the selected ad account.

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