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Configure Signup Notifications

With Creator Signup Notifications, brands can integrate automated alerts in their Slack or Microsoft Teams workspaces (or both!) when a creator registers through their unique Creator Portal brand link. It’s a seamless way to enhance the visibility of creator program signups.

Why should I use this feature?

Using creator signup notifications is a great way to add visibility to creator signups. By using platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams, these lightweight notifications can be kept organized in a single channel, as opposed to endless, messy emails.

The notifications are also interactive; members of the channel can access the new user’s profile directly through the link provided by the notification.

Setting up signup notifications in Slack

  1. In the Connected Apps page, click connect next to the Slack integration.

  2. A modal will pop up that will guide you through the process of signing into Slack.

  3. Click on the Slack button, then Connect Slack.

  4. In a new window, a Slack web client will pop up. Sign in and click Allow on the permissions page.

  5.  Next, you can open the dropdown to choose the channel for notifications, then click Finish Installation and Done.

What is Alloy? 

Alloy is a service that we’ve collaborated with to provide functionality with third-party applications and platforms. Alloy is responsible for communicating between these apps and your Control Panel, so you’ll need to authenticate your app’s account with Alloy for features to work.

Setting up signup notifications in Microsoft Teams

  1. In the Connected Apps page, click connect next to the Microsoft Teams integration.

  2. A modal will pop up that will guide you through the process of signing into Microsoft Teams.

  3. Click on Microsoft Teams, then Connect Microsoft Teams.

  4. In a new window, you’ll be redirected to a Microsoft Sign-in. Sign in and click Allow on the permissions page.

  5. Next, you can open the dropdown to choose the channel for notifications, then click Finish Installation and Done.

Editing the destination channel for notifications

You can edit the destination channel of your notifications for both Slack and Microsoft Teams. Click view workflows to expand the workflows dropdown, then the edit icon to the left of the workflow toggle switch.

The process is the same for both Slack and Microsoft Teams:

  1. A modal will appear, and you’ll be asked to click through authenticating an account.

    1. At this stage, you can change the connected Slack or Microsoft Teams account if you wish.

    2. If you don’t wish to change accounts, you can simply proceed without making any changes.

  2. After authenticating, you’ll be able to choose the channel for your notifications in the dropdown and confirm in the same way as the first-time installation (see above).

Enabling or disabling notifications

If you wish to disable notifications without disconnecting an integration, you can do so by completing the following steps:

  1. Click view workflows under the integration you wish to disable — either the Slack or Microsoft Teams integration.

  2. Clicking the toggle switch next to the Creator Signup Notification in the workflows dropdown.

Do you have feedback or more questions? You can contact us through our Emplifi Customer Center.

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