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Configure Connected Apps

This feature has been removed as of October 31, 2023.

As part of our latest feature update, we’ve given our integrations page a fresh new coat of paint. Now, all third-party integrations can be added and managed on the Connected Apps page. Third-party integrations are a great way to add additional features and functionality to the Control Panel. 

Social profiles settings are still located in the Social Profiles settings page.

Navigating to your Connected Apps 

  1. In the top right corner of the Control Panel, hover over the Hamburger button and click on Settings.

  2. In the settings categories, head to Connected Apps.


Here, you can see and manage all your connected apps. Each app is called an integration, and integrations have features called workflows.

Available Integrations

Here’s a list of current integrations and their available workflows:


Installing Integrations

  1. In the Connected Apps page, click connect next to an integration you’d like to install

  2. A modal will pop up that will guide you through the process of linking the third-party platform to the control panel through Alloy.
    In this example, the user is connecting their Slack account.

    (info) What’s Alloy? (Highlight Box)
    Alloy is a service that we’ve collaborated with to provide functionality with third-party applications and platforms. Alloy is responsible for communicating between these apps and your Control Panel, so you’ll need to authenticate your app’s account with Alloy for features to work.

  3. If there are multiple workflows within an integration, you’ll need to install each of them to fully finish the installation.

 Disconnecting Integrations

To completely disconnect an integration, follow these steps:

  1. Click view workflows to expand the workflows dropdown.

  2. At the bottom left, click Disconnect. A popup will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to disconnect the integration.


Enabling or disabling workflows

If you wish to disable a workflow without disconnecting the integration, you can do so by completing the following steps: 

  1. Click view workflows under the integration you wish to disable.

  2. Clicking the toggle switch that corresponds to the workflow you wish to enable/disable.

Upgrading workflows

Sometimes, new versions of workflows are released with minor tweaks and improvements. With the workflows dropdown expanded, you’ll see an update workflow button appear next to the toggle if one is available. 

We strongly recommend that you keep your workflows up-to-date! To update a workflow:

  1. Click update workflow.

  2. Proceed through the steps in the modal. This will be similar to a fresh installation, but you won’t need to sign in to your platform’s account again.

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